

Papa Penny second wife

 Limpopo's Tsonga Disco King has introduced the world to almost all his children on his reality show and people loved him. He was popular for songs that made the world dance in the 90's. One of our personal favourite being bum bum, papa Penny won the hearts of many Africans and beyond with his unique English. He speaks so you understand not to impress, the "Goldie" colour dad of 25 days he wants more children.

He says 25 is not enough, he further stated that African men in the olden days had way more children than him. He took it closer to home and said his own father had 68 children and he was also a Polygamist of note. Papa Penny's request of becoming a Polygamist was turned down by his wife's family.

It is no secret that Papa Penny is a firm believer of Polygamy but his wife mama Nomi is not supportive of such. At some point Papa Penny wanted to marry Mama Nomi's little sister. He says his reasons for wanting polygamy is because he wants more children not because his wife is not enough. He has two children with his wife and the other 23 children are from his previous relationships. 

Papa Penny is a proud dad,grandfather and still looks forward to being a father again and again and again. He got a bit discouraged on Polygamy when he went to visit Musa Mseleku the Polygamist. 

You would think he would change his mind about polygamy but no, the disco King still wants a second wife. We can't wait to hear how his journey seeking a second wife end.

Many of his fans however wish he could reconcile with his Mozambican first wife whom he recently divorced after many years of separation.