

Marriage and step children

Someone once said we live in a generation of step parenting. It seems to be true as 80 percent of married couples live with their step children. However every family handles their home situations uniquely. We have spoken to two different families to get a feel of what it's like to be a step child and also to be a step parent. We have found that the most difficult thing about being a step parent is when the step children are teenagers and it gets better when they are young adults. Some step children don't get along with their step children because they adapt their biological parent's hate for their step parents.

The root of a peaceful home depends on how civil the step parents and biological parents are with each other. For example, if you are a step mother you need to respect and humble your self to the biological mother in order to win the hearts of your step children. How you treat your step children's parents is definitely how the step children will treat you. Remember that you as the step parent should be the peace maker in order to have a peaceful and happy home.

Not only are you doing this for your significant other but you will also be doing it for your own sanity. Step children can either make or break your marriage despite how much you think you and your significant other love each other. As a mother I always say "you have to love my children firsr first".  The is also an old saying that says "a way to a man's heart is through his stomach" that has recently been changed to "a way to a parent's heart is through their children".

The easiest step children are minors, the little ones are most excited about having two fathers and two mothers amongst everything else. They know how to earn their way into parent's hearts. What is more adorable about them is that they are not easily influenced by their biological parents and they are too young to adapt to hate. If you have a minor step child then the problem is probably with you. It is rare to find minors hating on anything or anyone for no reason,the little ones live in a fairy tale world where everything has a happy ending no matter how ugly things gets.

Save your marriage by being the peace maker and joy bringer. Be the heart of your home. Should by any chance you and your step children's other biological parents can't seem to meet eye to eye,try by all means to avoid being in the same space as them in your children's presence. We are trying to teach love and not hate. 

How does one handle step parenting and step children? How do we make it work? Please drop your comments in the comment box.