

A handsome man by day and a mdala by night

My love for the finest things in life has ended in real tears. Mamazala I used to be every girl's envy dating men with money only. 

But they never saw a future with me I was just their trophy girlfriend. You know, the pretty little thing they would just walk into fine places with just for show.

As I got older more younger girls were replacing me and I was no longer exciting for the tycoons. I slowly slipped into depression because they no longer called nor sent money. I had a child so I needed to find a job to support my son. 

I found a job as a cashier at checkers. That's where I met a man who loved and cherished me. He wanted to marry me. He didn't have the kinda money I was used to so I was struggling to fall inlove with him but I was just there because he was able to help me with my finances, not enough but it was better than nothing.

We dated for about two years until one day a very rich fine looking man walked into the store and for the first time in the longest time a rich man gave me attention. He just bought still water 500ml and paid with a two hundred note and told me to keep the change.

He started coming everyday for a week and leaving the change for me as usual. Until one day I wrote my name on a piece of paper and kept it in the till just incase he came. 

He came and I slipped the note to him and he called me that very same night. Before the call he sent me a R1000 e wallet followed by an sms that said thank you for the number, can I call you?

I have never in my life been that happy, I quickly replied "yes you may". Then he sent me R200 airtime followed by a call. I asked why he's sending me airtime then call, he said because I sent it to you so that you can buy data not to call me.

We spoke for about a month and went on a couple of dates. He sent me gifts and flowers at work, he sent me money everyday. A lot of it for that matter.

My boyfriend was now becoming an irritation in my life and the fact that his uncles were coming to my house in a week was making me sicker. I broke up with him because guy was not my type, he was just a hospital clerk. I wanted more in life, I believed I deserved more.

He begged me for days and I ended up excluding everyone on my WhatsApp status and posting my handsome rich man just so he gets the message. 

He obviously got the memo and blocked me everywhere and stopped bothering me. About three months into a platonic relationship with my handsome man I asked to visit him for a weekend.

He gave me excuses for Over a month. He finaly allowed me to visit because I was always cold towards him and he gave in because I thought he didn't want to lose me. 

I went to his house one night and I've never ever looked back, the sad part is I've taken the spirit in that house with me. The house got very dark, not the normal dark but the I can't see a single thing around 11pm. The street lights and outside lights just lit off.

The blankets were so cold at some point I believed that they were wet. I couldn't even reach for my phone. I turned to his side and tried waking him up but he wasn't moving or even breathing. 

I walked like a blind person feeling everything until I reached the light. Luckily I was able to light it up and I ran to him and I found a man I've never ever seen in my life. An over 90 year old man. He was wearing the same pyjamas as the man I went into bed with. Except for that this one was very old and wrinkled up.

I have never in my life been that scared. I tried running out of the house but I couldn't find the doors or windows. I could only find them after sunrise. The guy woke up and pretended like nothing was wrong. He looked young again. He insisted to take me home. 

He took me home and sent me R50 000 I blocked him everywhere. I went back to my clerk he took me back yes but he still has trust issues. I'm working very hard to make the relationship work but it is hard because he is not making any effort at all.

But ngizo bhekezela ngoba I did him wrong and ruined everything.