

A Sangoma used me to kill my husband for her own benefit!

My story is painful and I am drowning in regrets all day everyday. I wish I could take my life but I am failing to do so because my children would have no surviving parent. I killed their father. 

I am someone who believed so much in prayer and I was raised by prayer warrior. My father was a pastor so we have never mixed ourselves with Sangomas. I had very little knowledge about them until I got married. 

My heart aches just thinking about this. I got married, blessed with two children a boy and girl. I was married to a wonderful man and we had a very beautiful marriage. 

His only focus was work and family. Ofcos he would go out once in a while but rarely so. He was police man and at the street that we lived at there was another police man who was married to a Sangoma woman.

I would pass the woman by everytime I walked back from work, and I'd just greet and pass. I am a nurse, not very social plus they spoke Tsonga and I was tshwana so I struggled to understand Tsonga although I was married to a Tsonga man. So it was really hard for me to hold conversations.

My husband started acting strange. He wouldn't sleep home, whenever he would be home there would be no peace. He had turned into an animal I didn't even understand.

I turned to his family for help and nothing worked. I spent more time on my knees in my marriage than anything else. It went on for many months, I had even lost hope in prayer. My husband would be home playing with his gun in front of our kids. Life was a mess.

One day on my way back from work the Sangoma woman, stopped me and told me that my ancestors sent her to talk to me a long time ago, that she's just been scared to approach me. I was shocked because I come from a family who are very far from such beliefs.

I didn't want to appear rude since we lived in the same street. If it was just a stranger I would have just walked away. I listened and she told me that my mother in law is the reason why my husband was acting the way that he is.

I was now confused as to how she knows that my husband was acting strange. She then told me everything that was happening in my house and I just broke into tears. She said should you ever need help you can come to my house. I told her I would come just not today. 

She said "I can make him go back to the husband that you married, not the monster that he is". I agreed to go see her at her house just not on that day. I got home and prayed so much.

My husband was getting worse by the day. I don't why or how but i ended up consulting at that woman's house. She gave me muti to mop the house and sprinkle in the yard at night.

I did as I was told for three days as I was ordered. On the fourth day my husband came back home. He had been coming home taking his clothes bit by bit. But after I used the muti he came home with his boot full of clothes.

He apologized and I just told him I'll see by his actions. Days went by and he was the husband that I fell inlove with. Everything was back to normal. I went to thank the Sangoma and she said there's one last thing you need to do so that he may never ever go back to being the animal he was again. 

She could see that I was hesitant, and she said if we don't do this last step then he would relapse and this time he would kill my kids and himself just to hurt me. 

I got frightened at that thought and I agreed. She asked that I pick up soil where his car Tyre has passed. As a desperate woman looking to save her home I did as I was told. 

A few days after I gave her the soil where my husband's car Tyre drove through, my husband died in a car accident. The love of my life was gone. I ran to her and asked her how she could've not seen his death. She convinced me that she did her best and unfortunately it was too late. 

I accepted that maybe it was God's very painful will. I started realizing that something was off when her husband was now filling my husband's position. 

I went to confront her and the next day they moved out of their house. They left. I haven't been myself ever since. I have every reason to believe that I helped that wicked woman and her husband kill my husband for his work position. 

I will never stop praying for the day that God punishes them for playing mind games that has hurt so many people. Taking away the one person I could count on. 

I live with guilt day in and day out. I wish I could get them and myself arrested but how do I because the law thinks witchcraft is a myth. 

Please be careful when you consult, some Sangoma are wicked.