

You are not an alcoholic, you were bewitched to become a slave to alcohol!

Dumela Mamazala and zalas

I am here to share a thing or two about the most problematic thing ever. Did you know that being an alcoholic can be a result of witchcraft? Well not always but in most cases.

It's very easy to perform the alcohol curse. A lot of people drink alcohol these days for any reason at all. They drink for fun, for celebrations, to ease pain, even at funerals you'll find alcohol these days. 

Most people start drinking more and more when they start working, some drink more because they can't find jobs. I am going to talk about these groups with you.

People consult so that you prioritize alcohol in life, alcohol is known to be the biggest enemy of progress. Unless you are the one selling it. Once you become an alcoholic every cent goes to alcohol and if you spend your time drunk all you do is dance, talk things that hardly make sense and lose focus.

A drunk person and a mentally ill person are no different. Infact they act the same. If you put a drunk person and a mentaly ill person together, you won't know the difference.

Most people who put such spells on people now resort to alcohol spell than the mental illness spell. Reason for that is because a mentaly ill person gets attended real quick for help, while a drunk person gets given up on by loved ones. Bathi uzenzile so why should they bother? They watch you throw away your life. 

They will take a mentaly ill person to consult but get mad at an alcoholic. Rehabs only work for a short time because muti can't be silenced by just talking and staying sober for a few weeks. This is why those who are cursed fall right off once they leave rehab. 

An alcoholic spell is created with a photo of you, inserted inside a full can of  beer with muti to make you worship alcohol. Once the muti starts working then you'll never leave alcohol. 

A full can is used so that you can drown your plans, achievements and progress in alcohol. Your only source of greatness would now be alcohol. 

This is why alcohol destroys marriages, jobs, families, friendships and more. A person cursed and one that's not cursed are way too different. You just have to pay more attention. 

With all that being said, take care of yourselves because it is a dog eat dog world
To avoid the alcohol curse you can pray or consult. If it's too late for that then you need to get it out by vomiting the root cause.