

Attacking pregnant women

 Please keep me anonymous, I have realised that this seems like a safe place for Sangoma to give warning to the mass. 

I have also done bad deeds but my ancestors punished me and I have since learned. I now turn back anyone who comes for evil deeds. It is so easy for everyone here to judge us for doing bad but will never understand how good it feels to get respected for being a powerful Sangoma. 

I used to specialize in attacking pregnant women. It is easy for muti work on pregnant women as they are at their most sensitive and fragile.

This is why it's been said that pregnancy should be a secret and hidden. If it's at a stage that it can no longer be hidden atleast it should be strengthened or protected. It doesn't matter if it's protected with the blood of Jesus or traditionaly but it just should be. 

We attack pregnant women in more ways than one. Sharing how far along you are is very dangerous, your enemies are able to plan ahead and attack your baby. You are giving them the power to decide how you will give birth and the kind of baby you will give birth to.

Or even worse, they can plan your death, your baby's death or both of you at the same. Flaunting your bump is very dangerous because we can easily measure how far you are or the gender you are carrying and attack. 

Most women give birth to children who will make them suffer because of the spells sworn upon their pregnancies. It is very difficult to reverse or remove a spell cast from pregnancy because as the pregnancy progresses the stronger the curse. 

When the baby is born then it's even stronger and hard to rid off. We are even able to make one give birth to an abnormal baby. Sad as it is innocent blood is most easy to destroy or redirect. 

Another form of attacking pregnancy is losing the baby at the early stage or pregnancy or giving birth to a dead baby. Dolls are most powerful to use on pregnant women. 

We buy a doll and use muti on it and call your name. We are then able to control you through that doll. We use needles to inflict pain on your pregnancy throughout the journey. 

We even decide when you will give birth. Which is why sometimes some women give birth way past their due date, you'll be pregnant for a good eleven to 12 months. C-section is slightly ruining our plans these days but it's not a train smash as we then pass the curse on the baby.

You'll either give birth to an abnormal baby or a baby that will make you cry for the rest of your life, a troublesome baby. We are in the business of causing conflict between baby daddies and baby mammies. Things will just go south without any solid explanation. 

When we cause a miscarriage we take the doll and stab it on the stomach with a needle as many times as we can until the belly is filled with holes then we know the job is done. Remember the doll will have your name and the number of months you are pregnant for so whatever happens to the doll happens to you. 

We normaly use your pictures, footprints and the water you have bathed with. In fact when you are pregnant we can use anything to attack you. The toilet seat right after using it or even before you use it, we put muti on it and we are done with you. 

Your undies or even the spoon you use when eating right after you've used it. The list is endless.

You might even be made barren if your life is an open book around fertility. Your loss of babies is a powerful tool to make a strong muti. The muti that may even make your enemies rich and successful while you suffer. 

Be extra careful of the people who are most closest to you when you are pregnant. Be very cautious of those who are too interested and are always asking questions around your pregnancy sometimes it's not for a good reasons.

You guys have made it easy to attack your pregnancies because of baby showers and more. Ha ba le loyeli mahala, le jajarag and get over excited. I will stop here.