

Breastfeeding a teen tokoloshi

 Mamazala please help my cousin. My cousin's life is a mess. She fell pregnant 13 years ago. She was young herself, 16. She terminated the pregnancy and she fell pregnant again same year, months apart.

She decided to keep the pregnancy, I think the second pregnancy was on purpose. Maybe She was just trying to clear her conscience, although she won't admit it. She was so relieved when she found out she was pregnant for the second time.

Anyway, back to the real issue. My cousin's child passed away when she was about to turn 1,12 years ago. She apparently choked on her breastmilk in both their sleeps. It still not quite clear how but that's what the forensics report says.

My cousin just found the baby dead in the early morning hours. The problem is that since the baby passed away my cousins breast milk has never stopped. She has consulted Doctors, specialists and traditional Doctors with zero luck.

She says she can feel a creature sucking on her breastmilk

every night since we buried her baby. When it started she thought she was just imagining things, when it continued she started seeking help because she could feel the creature growing each year. 

The creature started off as a baby same size as her late baby, and now the creature even has a full set of teeth and a very strong grasp. The creature is now almost as tall as she is. She has tried running away to hide vir the creature always finds her.

She has lost a lot of weight, she is someone who now seems like she's now losing her mind. Traditional healers that we've been to has tried getting rid of the creature but it just dissapears on the first two days and comes back. 

Doctors have given her pills to stop the milk but the milk just stops for two days as well and then comes out ten times more. We've tried praying to get rid of the creature but there's no winning. 

As a family we are honestly all drained and tired. My cousin can't even work or do anything with her life as she always wakes up drained with no energy for anything at all. She can't date nor have kids, she practically can't do anything with her life.

Has anyone experienced such a thing? How can we make it stop? How do we help her? She doesn't even talk anymore. She has lost hope in life and has tried ending her life a few times but the creature keeps saving her.

We've visited the baby's resting place, because we have suspicions that it might be her and tried to communicate with the baby but nothing has changed.

I will read the comments for anyone who can help. My cousin was a genius at school and she was the hope of the family. She has made my family so proud in many ways that even when she fell pregnant every elder in the family offered to take in the car while she continues with school. The whole family is now depressed. 

I will contact anyone who can help or direct us to where we can get help. My number ends with 4439 so that when I do call them they know who I am. Thank you in advance for posting this.