


Please keep me anonymous mamazala. I am a 37 year old woman who's life was turned upside down by someone who was supposed to be my bestfriend. I got married to the love of my life whom I dated from high school, through university until we both started working then got married.

I have known this particular friend since the fourth grade in primary school and I've grown fond of her. When we were in grade 11 at high school I fell pregnant and somehow the whole school and community found out within a week.

It turned out I trusted my friend with the news and she made the news travel as fast as a bullet. But I loved her so I forgave her. All I ever wanted was too see the good in her and nothing else. Most people didn't like her due to her loose tongue. They tried to warn me against her but I refused to give up on her.

She wasn't so lucky when coming to relationships. I on the other hand was blessed with a very loving and amazing man. When my man and I found out that we were pregnant I was in grade 11 and he was doing his 2nd year in varsity. He promised to marry me as soon as he gets a job.

He kept his word, he got a job when I was doing my second year and paid lobola. When i got a job We had our white wedding. We bought a house and cars. Life was treating us well, we were both doing well as individuals and even better as a couple. 

I was genuinely happy and my home was a happy and peaceful home. My friend kept telling me that she has seen my husband with different girls a few times. It eventualy started bothering me. I believed her but when I asked her to take a video or a picture from a distant so that I can confront him she said he will deny even with proof so I should never confront him. 

She told me that I should instead fight for my marriage and when I asked how she told me about a prophet that she knows who will help me. I didn't even question the fact that she had so many failed relationships, why isn't the prophet helping her first. All I could think about was saving my marriage.

I agreed and we set a day and visited the prophet. The prophet was spot on, it was like he knew me. He spoke of things I absolutely knew about and he also confirmed that my husband was cheating on me with numerous women. I was hurt, this is the man that if we are not at work then we are home with our kids. 

We got a second child right after getting married. Hubby and I would even have a competition of who gets home first after work, that's how much we loved going home to each other. The prophet then asked me if I needed help saving my marriage and I agreed although I was hesitant at first. I just wanted to get home and confront my husband. 

The two duo working to destroy my marriage convinced me that should I confront him then he was going to leave me because the girls he's cheating on me with are using muti on him so I needed to fight muti with muti.

I agreed and I was given three things, small brown, black and reddish mutis wrapped in a very small plastic and some wrapped in newspapers. I was told that the brown one was to put in my lotion, the black one was for me to put in my bath water and the red one was for his food.

I followed instructions and my husband turned into a monster. He started coming home drunk, abondoning his work and always fighting with me. The fights were so much that I even had to send the kids to my moms. They were getting traumatised especialy the older one. 

I told this to my bestfriend and the prophet and they said that is just how muti is and that he's gonna get worse before getting better. They said he was acting that way because their muti is detoxing the side chick's mutis.

I held on in hope that things will get better, until eventualy my husband lost his mind. He became a drunkard that is hard headed and he even goes around asking money from everyone in the streets. He got fired because he was always absent with no reason. He wasn't delivering at work at all and they got tired. 

My husband is mentally ill now, smokes nyaope, cat you name it. He has been in and out of hospitals and rehabs with no solution to healing him. I attended one of the biggest churches in SA and that is where they revealed my bestfriend and her prophet. I do not blame them for my husband's fall but I blame myself for allowing people to use me to destroy my happy home.

I confronted my bestfriend on a hidden camera, I still watch the video and I see no sign of remorse, even if you watch it yourself you'll see that this was a planned pain and she regrets none of it. The bestfriend I loved with my whole being has hurt me in ways that I'll never heal. 

I confronted my bestfriend and all she did was click her tongue at me and blocked me everywhere. I haven't spoken to her in 14 months and I need her to reverse the situation. The prophet no longer lives where we went. It's like he has never existed.

I will stand by my husband's side until he gets better. I pray that this situation will one day be a thing of the past. Be careful who you trust, not everyone is happy when you are flourishing. We get sold out by the ones we would buy the world for. 


I finaly got help, i was directed to a church in Katlego called ST John. My husband lived there for an entire month but because he was also a substance addict he had to be chained. It was painful to watch him like that but after a month he came and home in a much better state. But 3 months later he started showing symptoms of relapsing and i took him for rehab.

I then took him to sangoma in venda and he is well again has been clean for 5months although being uemployed is eating him up as all his peers are doing well. But i am more than grateful that he forgave him after i confessed and we are working on starting up a business for him which i will fund with my salary.

Thank you for checking up on us...life is hard but we are surviving.