

Dead people alive

Dear Mamazala

I am 20 years old, my parents died when I was child. I was told I was 6 months then I was given to my paternal grand mother. Apparently my mom's siblings wanted to take me in but everytime I was with them I would get as sick as a dog. I am writing this hoping that my maternal side sees this. 

But whenever my paternal grandmother showed up and took me in then I would be fine. They then eventually decided that I am better off with her and I'd just visit them time and again. I dropped out of school when I was 16 and in grade 10.

The reason why I dropped out was because I used to see things attacking me whenever I was in class then faint. My grandmother then decided I am better off without school. My aunt's tried taking me back to school but each time they would come to fight for me then strange looking people would chase them around their house at midnight.

They eventualy stopped and even today they are scared to make contact with me cos those strange looking people show up and strangle them in their sleep if not chasing them. So it's safe to say my maternal side or the family have cut me off. 

I am located in monsterlous and I am tired of cooking for dead people. My parents died in a car accident but I am now their parent, I feed them and take care of them they are like babies who can't even talk and they are very scared of my grandmother. She beats them when they don't do what she asked of them or if they do it wrong.

My parents are not the only dead people that live at my grandmother's house. We have about 40 people. She uses this people for easy access to their homes. She sends them to get things done at their homes. She messes people's lives using their deceased.

I have tried running away but my parents always bring me home. I will never move from my grandmother. She is a very old woman but at night she has a toddler's energy. I am isolated from everything and everyone because everyone who tries to get closer to me gets dealt with.

The strange looking people always make sure to pay them a visit and strangle them the whole night, they torment them and next thing I am cut off. I am tired of this life and looking for help. I sometimes wish I could end my grandmother's life during the day because that is when she is at her weakest but I am scared what would happen to the dead people at her house.

I want to live a normal life but I was born in the wrong family. If my maternal side sees this please I am begging and pleading with you to find a strong Sangoma and set me free. Please do not give up on me I am miserable. Consult with anyone who can lay the dead to rest. To the community of Monsterlus please if you suspect that your loves one's are not resting peacefuly consult.