

Family treats me like a slave

 My family treats me like a slave

I am a 19 year old girl who matriculated in 2021, I have lost both my parents (passed away) so i currently stay with my grandmother and little sister.

I passed my matric with an admission to a bachelors degree but I failed maths so i decided to rewrite last year.  I was staying with my grandma by the time but we never ever got along at home, we'd always argue over small things everyday so i thought that maybe if i went to stay with my Aunt in JHB things would be better.

I stayed there for a couple of months and noticed that my aunt would make me work more than my cousins, in simple words she used to treat us differently, i didn't wanna say anything or confront her about it because I knew it would cause conflict  so I lied and told them i was going to visit my grandma, when i got by my granny i told her that i didn't want to go back there again and told her why. She called my aunt and told her, that same day they drove to my granny (north west) to fetch me.

They had a meeting with me and i told them everything and they said they'll change so i ended up going back to JHB with them. Things were okay, i stayed there for about a month or 2 and they started going back to their old ways slowly until it got worse than the first time, i was hoping I'd find a job that side so i could make some cash but i wasn't allowed to go anywhere, so i gave my aunt my CV to drop them off, she agreed but never did, each time I'd ask her she'd say she forgot.

Then December my granny payed us a visit in JHB and i told her that i wanna go back with her, i don't wanna stay there anymore. My aunt heard, got mad and said she'll never help me with anything ever again in my life, I was tired of her treating me that way so I came back home with my gran in.

I won't lie, staying with my granny is difficult, she likes causing a strike over the smallest things. I'm trying so hard to fix my relationship with her but she's making it so hard for me...i do all the things she tells me to do, i help her in the house...I'm trying but she doesn't see it, it hurts a lot.

I honestly don't know what to do anymore, i failed my maths again so i want to rewrite again this year but the question is will i be able to cope with all this stress again. I feel like I have nowhere to go, my family doesn't love me...My sister got my granny and I'm happy for her, my aunts got their children and I'm happy for them too but who got me? I feel alone and broken, i wish i could wake up my mother from her grave.

I thought that maybe I'd find some peace if i found a job in another place/town, just so i could think straight but the problem is my family, they'll make a whole big deal out of it. I really wanna improve my marks so i could go to school...your advice would do, i need help. i don't know what to do💔💔