

Lamiez Holworthy

Guys my confession is not really a confession but a cry for help. I met this guy in 2021 and I had a huge crush on him instantly. I started stalking him in social media and doing all kinds of research about him. This guy dressed and moved like Khuli Chana. 

The guy had just lost his mom so I felt like we relate because I lost my mom too due to covid. The first thing I realised about this guy was that he is not really a social person and he spends most of his time alone. I liked that about him because I felt like I could build with such a person. 

He wasn't noticing me at all though. Did more intense research and realised that uguy has a huge crush on Lamiez Holworthy, I then started following Lamiez on all social media and found out that she is Khuli Chana's wife and it made sense.

I used that to my advantage, I started with that hairstyle that had natural hair twist and it looked good on me. The hairstyle is called Lamiez, I don't know how to call it but most people know it. I would go to places that he chilled and hoped that he noticed me. 

A day or two after doing the hairstyle I caught him looking at me and I was so happy I could hardly sleep that night. I dug more and more into Lamiez's looks and I started buying her kinda clothes. Clearly I can't afford the originals but we thank God for small street.

I became a Lamiez myself and imagined myself with my Khuli. I started posting more and more pictures and the guy started reacting on my pictures and even commenting. 

I had been following him for months and he was starting to notice me. He eventually started sending me private messages and boy was I thrilled. I started getting more mad more lost in looking like Lamiez that I forgot my true self.

Eventually we started dating and it has been very fun until resently when he is nagging me to become a DJ. He on the other hand raps and he is not even good guys but I am scared to tell him this because it might break us up or even break him as a person.

He quit school, he was doing his third year in LLB and now he stopped because he wants to pursue his rapping career. He is baaaaad guys, how do i talk him out of it.?

He buys me Lamiez outfits and I am totally okay with it because she has a very beautiful sense of fashion, but here is my biggest problem now. Since my Khuli Chana found out about Lamiez Holworthy's pregnancy he now wants me to fall pregnant. 

He is even saying that I am taking time falling pregnant because if it was up to him I should be giving birth same time with Lamiez but since it's too late for that then our baby must atleast be a few months younger than the original couple's baby.

At first I didn't mind being his own Lamiez and I've grown to love Lamiez whole heartedly but guys I feel like it's a bit too much now. He is way too obsessed and it is starting to stress me out. Our community is even laughing at us, because we are really over doing it. 

I am not really a big fan of tattoos but I ended up getting them just to make him happy. How do I nicely sit him down and show him that we can be big fans and still be ourselves? I am scared of losing him but at this point I regret ever falling for him. 

Did I mention that I am a pure pedi speaking woman but I am now forced to learn Sipitori and find a bestfriend who speaks Sipitori and the friend must be a chef and chubby? My bestfriend has to be Lebo and be funny too. 

Help guys, I am suffocating! He is a good guy but this is a bit too much. SAVE ME, SAVE HIM.