

Love spell gone wrong

 Hi Mamazala please hide my Identity.

I need someone who can help me reverse a love spell. I was dating this other married and very wealthy man.

When we met he lied to me and told me that he and his wife are in the process of divorce. He said that they still live under the same roof for their kid's sake. I knew he was lying but it didn't matter to me because I was just securing the bag.

I realised I had fallen for him when his wife fell pregnant. I was actualy stalking his wife on all social media. She didn't intimidate me because I was more prettier than her.

Anyway I then noticed that the man that I was dating was now becoming distant. If he does come around to see me and the wife called he would leave right away if she asked him to come home or get her something. He was no longer inlove with me and my hot body and very pretty face wasn't getting the attention it deserved.

I started developing some kind of jealousy and I started being in a one sided competition with the wife. I call it one sided because she didn't know about me. I fell pregnant on purpose too. 

I was very happy when the wife gave birth to a baby girl, I knew how much my man was hoping it is a boy. He already had two girls and that made the new born a third. 

I made it my goal to fall pregnant and give him a son, his first ever heir. So I fell pregnant and I was over the moon. I told him about it, he wasn't happy about it. He suggested that I terminate and I refused.

He started being over nice and spending more time with me, trying to convince me to terminate. I kept refusing and one day I got back and told him it was a boy. I noticed a change of actions, he was becoming happier about my pregnancy and he spoiled me rotten. 

He even bought me a car and a flat. Everything was fine and I was happy. Well his wife wasn't much of a social media person so I wouldn't really pick up from her posts when they are fighting or not. But he spent a lot of time with me and even did a whole lot of sleepovers. 

I was 16 weeks pregnant and ready to go see the baby's gender, it was a girl. I knew I was gonna lose him when he finds out. He was going to find out that it's another girl because I was going to give birth eventualy.

I knew I had to do something to keep him. I consulted with a Sangoma who gave me a love portion. I used the love portion as directed. I put the muti in my bath water and called his name and telling the muti to make him love me and stick with me no matter what.

I then used the water I bathed with to cook for him. He ate and a week later he moved in with me permanently and engaged me, I inboxed his wife and introduced himself as his wife. I then unsent the messages. I asked a friend of mine to call me with a private number for about 10 minutes, I didn't tell her why but we just spoke our things. 

Then I called my fiancée crying, I lied and told him that his wife called me insulting and threatening me. I guess he went home and dealt with her. 

After a couple of weeks I noticed that his wife had removed all pictures of him and I knew that I had won. I gave birth to a baby girl and we even named the baby after his mother.

The truth is now I am tired of this man. He tells me what to wear, who chooses friends for me and more over he wants to always be in my face. He doesn't even allow me to go visit my family nor find a job but his wife has always been working. 

If he doesn't find me home he beats me up when I come back, he beats me up if we go to the mall together and men look at me then he accuse me of knowing them. My life is a mess. He beats me up for everything.

I don't want him or this life anymore. I've tried leaving him many times but he has threatened my life. He has powers and police won't help me. 

Please help me bazala. No judgements please. I've learned.