

Marriage and intimacy

Getting married is very exciting for women and men too of course. It's been said that women get super emotional when a man decides to marry them. The thought of someone choosing you to spend the rest of their lives with over a million others is really a great feeling. Men often complain that once they get married the woman they married often changes into a more serious person,one man jokingly said the women they marry often start acting like the men's mothers. You marry a fun,outgoing and bubbly person who later changes into someone who now wants to be indoors all the time.

Someone who yells and scold you for every little thing. But then again some men also cage the woman the minute they marry them. You'll find a man saying a married woman should stay home and build their home instead of going out like she's not a kept woman. Some men will go as far as telling you about how their mothers and grandmothers stayed home while their fathers and grandfathers went out and the wives would not nag. I hope in the now world we will not normalising such. It is not okay.

Wives may stop doing the things that they used to do before marriage because they are no longer treated the same way they would be treated before getting married by their husbands . They now dont find themselves attractive and their self esteem becomes lower than low while
 their men's ego grows bigger and broader. 

Husbands start treating their wives as their mothers and wives start treating husbands as their kids. Husbands expect the wives to do chores and keep everything in check like their mother's would do for them before getting married. And wives are always either annoyed or angry because they expect their husbands to act a certain way or do certain things for them and like a naughty child the husband doesn't always get it done. 

Lack of intimacy in marriage is sometimes led by not being united or a team. When there's a leader and a follower complications are bound to occur.  If couples could become a team and act like bestfriends who reciprocate the same energy and vibrations, intimacy would come naturaly. When effort meets appreciationand respect meets understanding then the love language becomes unmatched.

When Bobby meets Billy in marriage then everything else falls out of place.