

My evil stepmother

My stepmother and I had very beautiful relationship until I realised that she has been doing dark things and blaming it on our very old neighbor.

Mamazala weird things were happening in our village and my stepmother convinced Everyone that it was our 96 year old neighbor. At some point I also believed her.

There used to be small boys walking around at night in our village, those small boys could smell success from a distance and they were quick to block it. How? Okay, if they sensed that someone was about to get a job or money, they would pay that person a visit at night.

If you are supposed to go for an interview then they would visit your house the night before the interview and sprinkle stuff and make sure you never show up for that interview. You and your entire family will fall into deep sleep and wake up hours after the interview has passed.

If you are about to get married then they will pay you a visit and make sure you and your partner start fighting till you break up. The boys were really good at what they did. They were spotted by a few people in the village but when you see them apparently you just become dumbfounded. 

You wont tell anyone or even think much about it until a month later or so. Some of the people who saw them were people who would have runny tummy at night and go to the toilet since they were outside. 

Some would be drunkards on weekends coming back around 2am from tarvens. Also people who'd be traveling from Gauteng arriving home late at night.

My stepmother was amongst the people who claimed to have seen this little boys. She always advised me to put on ear plugs and wear a face mask at night to be safe from the night evil. She even bought me those things. I thought I was love only to later realise that she didn't want me to see or hear the evil she gets up to in the dark. 

She taught the boys to use our neighbor's gate to enter and exit. We and our neighbor also had a gate between our fence where we could visit each other without going the long route of going to the street. I don't know if I'm making sense. 

My stepmother initiated the gate claiming that since gogo lives alone it is safer to have the gate so that we can check up on her or if she needs help or has intruders then it's a quick pass. There I was thinking my dad married well. 

Her plan was so the community never sees her boys entering our yard, they should just see them entering gogos yard, so she can frame gogo. No one would ever suspect my stepmother of witchcraft. 

She was a bubbly, warm and loving human being. She loved people and was always so welcoming and friendly. She was a very committed church goer too. She went to church every Sunday and prayer sessions twice a week. 

She once hired men to dig a toilet pit hole at the back of our house and she asked them to make it a bit bigger than usual, 5 times wider and 5 times deeper. She claimed she wanted to try something new.

Soon as the men finished she said she didn't like it and asked them to build another one a few meters away from that one and they did. They even built a nice toilet and she paid them as agreed. They wanted to close that other bigger whole and she said it was fine they can leave it like that she might decide to finish it up someday. 

She covered it up with an old thick and heavy brown tent. Back to gogo. A lot of people saw the boys dissappearing into gogos house and talks begin. My stepmother inlaw was one of the people who insisted that she saw the boys entering gogos yard not once nor twice but multiple times.

The community got fed up and told her to leave the village or they would burn her house. So much was being destroyed by the boys so the community was fed up. Gogo was very old I remember the confused look she had that day when she was thrown out of her house. Till this day I don't know what happened to her. 

I don't think she even had family, she lost her husband and kids a very long time ago in a bus accident traveling to church so she has never been the same and I don't remember anyone visiting her. 

After gogo left I realised that there were weird footsteps almost every night outside. I started suspecting that my stepmother was cheating on my dad. That is when I decided that I would find out what she's upto. 

I stopped putting on the mask and ear plugs so I can hear her when she's going out or coming in. I saw her at midnight throwing live chickens in that hole she didn't like. Then she came back into the house.

This happened every week. One day during the day I decided once she leaves the house to go to church I would go see why she's keeping the chickens in the hole. At some point I think I once even heard a cow moowing like it was being eaten in there. 

She went to church and I quickly ran to the back to see what was in there. Took me about an 20 mind to be able to move the heavy tent and see what's happening there.

It was a whole full of tokoloshis. I don't know how tokoloshis look but I am sure without a doubt that what I saw that day were tokoloshis. I didn't even close the tent, I ran away. Ran back to my maternal family and i fell sick a few days after and I have never been fine ever since. 

She came to see me pretending to be worried but I know she came to shut me up. She told me that what I saw wasn't real and if I dare tell anyone then I would lose my tongue. I didn't lose my tongue but I now have hearing problems and I stutter so much when I talk.

My stepmother has no shame for letting and old granny fall for her sins. I will stop here.