

My mother in law killed my husband to spite me

My mother in law hated me with a passion. She is one of those moms who chooses who their children marries.

However my husband refused to date all the women he was given. I was just a girl from far away from their village so I didn't know what I was getting myself into, I was just a girl who found love in a dangerous place.

When he took me to meet his mom, I thought I was welcomed. My mother in law warmly welcomed me. But little did I know that she already had plans to get rid of me, but she didn't want her son to know. So she had to act like she likes and welcomes me. 

Eventualy I fell pregnant, soon as my husband found out I was pregnant he then rushed to tell his family. He also added that he wanted to pay lobola. 

The news angered my mother in law so much. But if she didn't want to lose her son, she atleast had to pretend to be happy for us. I am a believer, so back then I took witchcraft very lightly until I had to see it with my own see and live in its mist. 

One night as I was sleeping, I dreamt of my mother in law giving me food, I ate the food. It tasted so real and it was like I could almost feel her right next to me. Half way through the food I started choking. I started coughing so hard and it was no longer a dream, I was really choking on my own saliva. 

I woke up and opened my eyes and by the window I saw my mother in law looking at me angrily. She was very furious, i closed my eyes tightly and looked again to see if I wasn't imagining things and she was no longer there. 

My husband woke up and got me water. I didn't tell him about my dream, I just told him that it was a silly nightmare. The next morning I woke up early and when I walked out the bedroom door my mother in law was sitting not far from the door with the very same face. I greeted her and she kept quiet. 

I went to the toilet, in the villages we use outside toilets. So I was going to empty the bucket w use at night. When I got to the toilet the moment I opened the toilet door, I found a black cat, it jumped on my tummy and before I could scream it was gone. 

I immediately felt a very excruciating pain and I screamed. She peeped through the window and just looked at me. At that point I felt like I was running out of breath. She then saw my husband running to me and she also came out running to ask what was happening.

I started bleeding, my husband rushed me to the nearest clinic and we were told I was having a miscarriage. I wasnt transfered to the hospital because I wasn't too far along. I refused to go back to his home, I asked him to take me home and he would bring my bag later. 

My husband didn't like arguing or making me feel uncomfortable so he drove me home. I recovered but I was scared to tell him everything I experienced. No husband wants to hear that his mom is no good. 

A month later he sent his uncles to pay lobola at my house. My whole life turned upside down from that day on. I was happy to finally be his forever but deep down I was scared.

He came back again three months later to finish paying lobola and I now had to move to his mother's house. My mom knew everything so she advised me to never stop praying. A few months later I fell pregnant again, at this point my mother in law was tired of pretending to like me but she tried in my husband's presence.

As usual my husband then told her that I am pregnant and they should be easy on me when coming to chores, little did he know that he was putting my life in danger. The nightmares started again. I would dream about my mother in law giving me food and I'd refuse. The next day she would give me a hate look.

She then offered me a banana, not in my dream this time and I don't know why I agreed to eat it but I did and the next morning I woke up in a pull of blood. Rushed to the clinic and I was told it's another miscarriage and I had to go to the hospital to get cleaned because I was almost 11 weeks.

When I got home from the hospital I could see a face of a pleased person on my mother in law's face. A few days later I realized that I am missing two of my underwear. I looked for them with no luck but who was I going to ask about my underwears?

Anyway I asked my husband that since we are both working I think it's best we find our own place and start building. He agreed, he then informed my mother in law that we will soon be moving out. That angered her so much that she started insulting me, she and her daughter then stopped talking to me completely. 

My prayers saved me so much that she initially decided that the only way to hurt me was to take her son's life. She did her black magic and one week into our new place, my husband fell sick and succumbed to his sickness. 

We had been trying to have children and I never fell pregnant since I lost my undies. Even after my husband's passing I continued praying. Two years after his passing my mother in law fell sick and asked to see me. I hadn't spoken to them in years or even visited them so her request scared me a lot and made me nervous at the same time.

But I went anyway, she then confessed everything. Even told me where to go to get my undies. She had buried them and stabbed knives on them just so I can never fall pregnant again. 

She admitted that she wanted her son to leave me for being barren and marry the woman she prefers. She said she had the perfect woman for him. I ruined all her plans. When she saw that he was never going to leave me then she decided the only pain I'll feel is if she removes him permanently.

She apologized and says shes been sick because he won't let her rest, he apparently visits her every night and he strangles her and tells him to confess to me then he will leave her alone. I froze, I just up and left without saying a word. I knew she hated me but didn't think she would go as far as killing her own son. 

That very night she died and I didn't even attend her funeral. I am struggling to make peace with what she did, I am failing to move on with my life.