

I poisoned old age home residents for a commission after making me join funeral covers

I was let down twice by two churches.

The first church I went to, after confessing the whole church ran out including the pastor. I was left alone in the church. The second one the congregation chucked me out, they threatened to burn me if I ever returned.

What made write here is a similar story about a guy who used to work for a tow truck. My story is no different from that. I have killed to make people's businesses succeed.

As much as my pastor has helped me, I still live with so much guilt. The old people that I have taken their lives are also not making my life easy. I see them in everything I do. The worst is at night, my house has turned into an old home. 

Wheelchairs and walkers are making rounds in my house. The kettle boils all night, cups and spoons are making noise all night. Old people love tea, so it's no surprise that I am hearing all this sounds. 

My husband and kids left me because they got tired of all the things that happens in the house. I confessed to them and they suggest we move out after three healers couldn't chase the spirits away. 

We moved out and on the first night at our new place, we heard sounds of bags and a lot of furniture moving, it was busy that night. So many ups and downs and all the moving in noise made. The second day we went back to the usual noise from the previous house. 

It became obvious that the day we moved in, at night the pensioners moved in too. That's when my family asked me to move back to my old house since we hadn't sold it yet. I moved back in and the pensioners also moved back in with me.

My children are teens and they are scared of me. They cry when they see me. I have ruined my own life because of greed. I used to work at an old age home as a care giver. One day when I was on my way home, I was approached by a very rich woman who owns a mortuary with her husband. 

She started off by acting as if she's new in the surbab and she's looking for a friend. I told her I don't even live in the surbab and I only come for work and she said it's fine she doesn't mind. 

She was very nice so we exchanged numbers. As weeks passed by we became close. She would bring me lunch, take me home after work and even give me money. Honestly my life became so much easier and I wasn't financially burdened anymore.

My husband is a security guard and I on the other hand was just a home base carer so we could barely survive on our take home. Every cent went a long way. 

Months after being friends with Dorcas she made me an offer, she said she would pay me R500 for every new person that joins as a member at her funeral parlour. She convinced me to convince the pensioners at old age home to join. 

The old age home consisted of 200 pensioners so I did my calculations and I could see my self extending my house and living a very comfortable life. I could see myself living a life like Dorcas's. 

I agreed instantly because there was no harm in just getting the pensioners to sign a few forms and giving me their Id's to make copies then collecting a few hundred rands at the end of every month. I convinced myself that it was for their own good as it will give them a proper send off when they die. 

Within 3 months I had convinced all the pensioners to become members, I made it seem like the funeral cover was compulsory. My husband was very impressed with all the money I was making. He even praised my friendship with Dorcas. He would say I deserve such friends, who bring improvements to my life.

Not townships friends who only bring gossip and ask for sugar and tomatos. I was starting to feel too important to live at the townships. We extended our house and bought a second hand car. 

The money ran out and I wanted more. I approached Dorcas, I asked for a job at her mortuary and she told me that there are currently no vacancies but should there be anything I'll be the first to know. 

Months passed and nothing was happening. One of our pensioners passed away and Dorcas's funeral parlour gave her a dignified send off. She then paid me R500. She then said for every burial from my referrals I'd get that amount. 

After a few weeks she called me and said she knows a product that I could feed the pensioners then they would die a very slow and painless death,thw poison is not even traceable. 

It took me months to agree, I agreed because she was no longer giving me money. I was going back to my life of struggle and the township people were starting to ask questions and gossip behind my back. 

I took Dorcas's offer, the first death was a success. The death never pointed back to me so the mission was a great success. In 12 months I had gotten rid of 96 pensioners. 

Nobody asked questions because they were old and their families send them to homes to wait for their deaths. Mind you when one pensioner leaves, another joins. So I always had new clients. 

All in all I have gotten rid of plus minus 500 pensioners. I am not okay mentaly. At first I couldn't sleep at night because the pensioners are over crowding my house. I then met this young pastor who gave me anointing oil and atleast every night after bath I am just sprinkle it in the hosuse and put it on my body then I am be able to sleep.

But the problem is every morning I find my cups and spoons out of the counter, they are all over the kitchen and I need to pack them back. I don't know where Dorcas is now and I don't even wish to know. My life is a mess and I m curse the day I met that woman.