

Ritual babies (part 3)

Before I could ask for a picture which I was about to, I mean I was ready to scream. Brenda whispered to my ear with a grind, moghel he is not who you think it is, they just look alike. What? I was confused now. She said act normal please honey don't embarrass us. This is your ticket to that million.

I knew right there and then that it was a set up, but luckily for her the guy is just my type and more. That was one good looking man guys jealous down mayibabo. He gave us hugs and sat down. I got lost in his cologne, I never knew men could smell that good so wow. 

Brenda did the introduction and the man couldn't stop looking at me. For me it was love at first sight. It was getting late and we were getting tired so he asked for the bill and settled it. I didn't get time to see how much the bill was. But he asked for my number before he left and it was such an embarrassment for me to say I didn't have a phone. At first he thought I was joking then Brenda was like she is not lying she's fresh from the villages where phones don't matter. 

He gave me a stack of R200 notes and wrote his number on the till slip and said please go buy yourself a phone and send me a call back. He said this as he gave me a peck on the cheek then hugged Brenda and left. Brenda took a gulp of her drink whilst on her feet and said let's go home girl. Tomorrow we are going phone shopping.

One thing that I noticed about her that I forgot to mention was the fact that she was popular at the restaurant we went to. The people who worked there all seem to know her. She said her loud goodbyes as we walked out. She wasn't just walking, she was walking and dancing her way out. I admired her level of happiness it was just pure and her vibrations were worth hanging out with. 

We got to her apartment she bathed then ran me a bath. By the time I was done bathing she had already passed out on the couch. So I went to the smaller couch and slept there. I wasn't going to go sleep on her couch because she never offered me so the couch was just fine.

Her phone rang twice and she didn't hear it, the third time I wanted to answer it but the person hung up. Then a bank notification of R5000 came in, the reference was of the man we were with. This man must be very wealthy 🧐. I reached for the till sleep where he wrote his number and realised the bill he paid for was worth R7333.

I froze a bit and decided to count the R200 notes that he gave me and it was a total of R10 000. I was more scared than excited, I tossed and turned the whole night wondering how this is even possible and what this man does for a living since I mistook him for an actor.

The morning came and I took a bath and made Brenda and I a cup of tea and when I went to give her the tea she wasn't on the couch anymore. I left her sleeping and now she's not there anymore. I went to the bedroom and found her laying there like a train crashed her. I gave her the tea and she made a joke about considering giving me the house help gig. 

Did I mention that Brenda's house was spotless? It was sparkling clean so she obviously didn't need a house help. She then said the tea will help with the babalas then we will make our way to the mall to buy a brand new phone for myself. I then told her if we can't just put the money towards my res fee or school fee and just buy a R200 phone.

She looked at me and laughed really hard, she said girl please send the village mindset on a bus back to the village right now. We are going to the mall to get you the finest phone in the market. Worry not about your fees they will be taken care of in no time. Uphethi mna Unga nyakazi.

I asked her what the man does for a living and she said he makes money my baby that's what he does for a living. She said that as she grabbed a towel walking to the bathroom. She yelled let me take a quick shower and we heading to the mall.

A part of me wanted to send a bit of money to my parents but I didn't want to say anything yet. I went to watch TV while waiting for her to finish up. She finaly finished up and off we went. We went to Menlyn and we bought an iPhone.

She saved that man's number and sent him a call back. Within seconds a message from Vodacom saying I recharged with R500 came through. I was in desbelief but my younger and naive self was super excited. We went to have breakfast in one of the restaurants there and I called my parents while we waited for our food. 

I asked them to save my number, I told them I now worked part time at some expensive restaurant so the tips from the wealthy people were really good so I was able to afford a phone and they asked what about school. 

I told them that I will only be starting in February and shame my poor parents were really excited for me. I promised to send them money in a couple of days and they were grateful before I could even send them the money.

Later that night when I was laying on the couch, I started asking myself how Brenda and my parents were different? As I was lost into thoughts my phone rang and it was Our rich man, let's call him Sugar. I answered and he said he was outside. I checked the time and it was 2 AM. I got nervous, Brenda was fast asleep... What do I do?