

Stolen luck

 Hi mamazala please hide my Identity, my confession goes like this.

I am told my mom passed away the day she gave birth to me, so my birthday is a a painful reminder. Anyway I was fortunate enough to be raised by my dad, he loved me dearly and as a child I couldn't even relate to needing a mother's love.

My dad really gave me his best and all. I was known to be a daddy's girl. My dad has never brought any woman home. We had a house help who was very kind and respectful, she loved me like her own. Unfortunately she passed away when I was 14. I could speak to her about things that I found embarrassing to talk to my dad about.

Since our house helper was no more, I could feel a void in my life that needed filling by a woman. As I grew older there were a lot of things that needed a MOTHER. I forced my dad to start dating, as old as he was. My mom was an only child so I didn't have much to fall back on from her side. 

My dad's family well let's just say we were never close, it has always been just my dad and I. After a year of convincing my dad to bring home a woman he finally did. She was nice but there was something off about her, but I thought I'd warm up to her as time went.

Besides, I wasn't gonna act like a drama queen after I was on my dad's case about getting a woman. They eventually got married, I felt like it was too quick but my dad looked happy so I wasn't gonna cause problems for them with my negative opinions.

Soon as they got married, her two kids moved in with us. She had a son and a daughter. I was excited about finally get siblings. The

boy was a year older than me and the girl was three years older. I was the youngest.

My dad fell very ill and weird things started happening in the house. My step mother became a totally different person. She even refused taking care of my dad on his death bed so I had to take care of my dad and it was not easy. Imagine I had to bath and dress him on a daily basis then feed him.

On his last day he told me how sorry he is for bringing such a cruel woman into our lives. My step mother was always shouting at my dad especially if he soiled himself. She would shout my name to come change his diaper. 

He apologized to me with tears filling his eyes, he then told me that my step mom is evil and a witch. He said that the reason he fell sick is because he woke up one night, in the middle of the night and found my step mother in their bathroom naked. He said the whole bathroom was filled with water, it was smokey even and she was talking to weird animals. 

There was also a very big snake, two cats and an owl. It looked like the snake was giving my step mother instructions, this is according to my dad. His mistake was screaming in fear and next thing he woke up in his bed sick. 

My stepmother warned him not to tell anyone or else he would die and leave me poor and homeless. My dad told me that I must be extra careful and there's some money he hid from everyone as soon as he dies I must pack my things and move out of the house.

He suddenly stopped talking and looked very sacred. I turned around and saw my stepmother standing behind me. She spoke softly and said, when they are this old and sick they tend to imagine weird things and mistake them for reality. She then walked out. 

I ran to my room and started crying because I thought my dad was losing his mind. The truth is since my step mother moved in with us and his kids everything had been going south for me. 

I was no longer doing well at school. I was no longer getting selected to participate in anything at all. My friends no longer wanted to hang out with me, they preferred my step sister. She was suddenly doing well at school and participating in so much school activities.

The weird thing is she was doing horribly at her previously school, had no friends nor was she dating. I however managed to pass my Matric but with very dissapointing marks. 

Okay so my dad passed away and we buried him. My step mother insisted that I remain at home and not further my studies. I was heartbroken but it was either that or I'd be homeless. I had a boyfriend who suddenly stopped talking to me and wanted nothing to do with me for no reason at all. 

It felt like my step sister was living my life while I was slowly losing everything. At 22 still nothing is going right for me. I belive my luck was stolen because, every month I am forced to take a bloody bath in a bath dish and when I am done then my little sister bathes in the same bath dish with the same water.

When we are both done we get smeared on the head with eggs and fresh milk. We spend the whole night together on the same bed, wearing nothing and we are forced to sleep facing each other. The room has 4 candles, each candle at each corner and it is lit the entire night.

We both wake up very tired and sick the next day as if our souls left our bodies then came back. But as the day progresses we then start feeling better. I however become sad and grumpy while she is the opposite.

This has been happening for the longest time and everytime I think of running away from home I find myself back in the yard again. I can't seem to lose the way to my father's house. 

Whenever I run away from home, I bump into my dad and suddenly I'm inside the yard. He doesn't talk to me nor even look at me but he sends me back home. He looks dirty and he looks like someone who is physicaly abused because he has a lot of bruises and marks. 

I am still here at home and I have no friends. I am always alone as my step mother and her children are always out living their best lives. She bought me the phone that I am using so she can track my location when she's not home and she constantly calls me with video calls. 

If you were to bump into me you'd never guess that I go through all this. She buys me nice clothes, and doesn't physically abuse me as in beating me. I am well fed and all that but emotionally I am suffering. 

Oh she even wants to buy me a car now, she took me to school but I failed. She doesn't believe it when I tell her that when I enter the college gate all I see is darkness. I've asked her to seek traditional help for me but everytime I mention that she gets angry and shouts at me, telling me that I want to be witch her. I used to be an A student. 

I've even stopped going to school because what's the point. It is probably very late for me to seek help but I am writing this to ask single parents to choose step parents for your kids wisely and please to take their time. I believe my luck has been stolen in this life time. I am now a nobody with no dreams.

I'll probably never get out of this, I will never be happy and free again. I am watching my step sister living my best life. My step brother is just a weirdo, doesn't care much about anything. He is mentally ill and all he does is sit at the gate corner and count flies. He is not violent or anything he just states at you for a good two hours then farts and continue living. Thank you for your time.