

Business rituals for success

Drunkards are sacrificed for the success of their favourite drinking spots. I am not writing this email to expose anyone but to seek help as I am no longer living my life, it's like someone or something is living my life for me after I saw what I saw. 

I work at one of the most popular and loved drinking spot. The place is always packed and busy. What people don't know is that they drink around a very bigb snake that makes fights break and blood shed so that it licks their blood.

Mamazala I am a very strong prayer woman and I got a job at this joint a year ago. Since I got here it's just been weird how every month there's a blood shedding fight that breaks up. 

When the fight starts the bouncers are instructed to stop the fight only if they see blood. The owner claims that if there's no blood then it's not that serious and bouncers shouldn't rush to save such. 

Isn't the whole point of bouncers to prevent even the tiniest arguments? Even a slap shouldn't happen under their watch. That's not the case at this joint. Cleaners are not allowed to clean the blood at all but the blood always dissappears.

None of us the staff has ever cleaned the blood but you'll never find it there. It's as if there was never blood. I always wondered what was happening but wouldn't get an answer.

There is a basement that no one is allowed to enter at the joint. There are sometimes movements in the basement we would hear when we go to the storage room because they are close by. 

One day I walked to the storage room and I saw a very big dark shadow dissapearing into the basement. I froze for a few minutes couldn't even move or blink my eyes so I said a little prayer and broke free.

One day there was a till the morning event and everyone was excited and dancing being jolly and everything as usual. I was working and fasting so I felt a bit faint and I went to the staff rest rooms for a quick prayer so that I don't get tempted to break the fast. 

When I got back I found everything and everyone frozen. The music had stopped, the DJ was standing there with his eyes open and arms in the sky like he was dancing and smiling. 

Everyone else was in their dancing positions, some kissing, others with drinks on their lips... Hubbly smoke frozen. I hid in fear but peeked. I saw the owner walking out with a very big snake following him. Anaconda kind of big. The snake then went to three people and wrapped itself around them for 5 seconds and then the snake and owner walked back to the basement.

Two minutes later the music continued, the people also continued like nothing ever happened. Everything went back to normal in a split second. Even the people who got snake wrap were also continueing like they genuinely felt and saw nothing. 

I was no longer enjoying my work, I was scared but who do I tell this to? Everyone will think I'm crazy or making it up. After 30 minutes a big fight broke, I don't even know what happened but three people died. They were shot at the joint.

It was the three people that the snake wrapped itself around them. I knew something was wrong, it must have been some kind of wealth or success sacrifice.

I went home and I told myself I'll never ever sat foot in there. The weird part is I always find myself at work. I don't even know how I get out of bed, dress up but I always show up for work. 

There's money I always find in my locker at work. I find the money every Wednesday and I don't why I spend it but I always spend the money. What is happening to me? I need help please. I really honestly don't know what I am doing with my life!