

Creepy house

We bought a house a year ago in the suburbs but we are experiencing the worst things.

The estate agent didn't even bother telling us that the woman decided to sell this house after her child and husband passed away in this very house that we bought. 

The biggest mistake my husband and I made is just moving in without finding out the history of this house. We have called three different izangoma from different provinces to help with chasing the spirits but they just dissappear for a month then come back.

Sometimes we get sleep paralysis and while that is happening we feel like the whole house is filled with a lot of people going up and down in the house. 

It's like the people are moving in or out. Furniture screeching like it's been moved around, dishes making noises, people talking loudly and doors banging. When we wake u we would be sharing these dream and we learn that we all had the same dream including the kids. 

But nothing would be moved. Everything would be just as we left it. What worries us is all of us having the same dream. We have invited our neighbours for tea just to introduce ourselves and familiarise ourselves in our new neighborhood and none of them showed up. 

Our neighbours avoid us every chance they get. This is bothering me and when we go to their house they will never let us in their house they are always making excuses that they are getting ready to go out to run errands and stuff. 

This is making us uncomfortable because where we lived we used to be a family loved by our neighbors. Not only this but even at work our colleagues now avoid us any chance given. Our children are also struggling to make friends. 

In this house it always feels like we are being watched or followed. Most times our things gets rearranged in a certain way. If we leave dirty dishes we always find it clean. The other day we had our children screaming saying that a woman in a white dress was mopping their bedroom.

Honestly I just didn't want to scare them but I've also seen a woman in a white dress passing by the mirror at my back while I was putting in my night cream on the face, getting ready for bed. 

The house is extremely cold, everyday. It could be very hot outside but the minute you enter our house you need your winter clothes on. We always have to wake up in the morning before getting ready for work to Check the weather outside.

Our house help even left because she had nothing to do. The house is always clean and should you spill anything by mistake it gets wiped in a second right infront of your eyes. When we had just moved it atleast we would be given a chance to go look for a cloth to wipe or a broom to correct the mistake and you come back you'd find nothing. 

These days the minute you spill then it's gone. I have never ever in my life believed that ghosts are real until I experienced them myself. We are not asking for much but we are just asking to be directed to someone who talks to spirits so we find out what they need for them to be gone forever. 

This a month vacation and come back is not working for us.