

Fear friends before men

I had a friend I loved and cherished so much mamazala. She was like a sister to me or so I thought. We did almost everything together and I had known her all my life. When we were in grade 11 my friend fell pregnant. She had severe morning sickness so she stopped coming to school.

She lived with her mother who also encouraged her to stop attending because girl vomited at every smell she came across and she had serious fatigue. She stayed home that year and I proceeded with my studies and the year came to an end. 

I passed and she didn't look too happy for me but I understood, we usually celebrated our pass together and here she was taking a break from school. I gave her my note books so that she can use them to study what she missed out on and be ahead of the rest of the class when she goes back to grade 11.

The following year she went back to school, I went to do my matric and she went back to grade 11. I wasn't very happy about being in Matric without my bestfriend but I was excited that she's now back at school. Being in Matric was a big deal at our school so we had a different lunch break and school out from the rest of the school. 

That meant I hardly ever saw my bestfriend now. But we had to do what we had to do. Put our studies first. I would try to visit her on Saturdays but she would just make excuses for me to leave earlier. I understood that motherhood and being a mother was taking a toll on her.

Anyway, we wrote our final exams and she passed her Grade 11,i was waiting for my matric results and I was a very bright student so I knew I passed judging from how I wrote. I gave her my Matric note books. Results came and I passed with flying colors. 

I chose to go to wits. I was so happy and she was happy too. We celebrated our pass together but we were just at her house drinking juice. She was a mother now so a lot had to be changed. Time for me to go to university came and I left home. 

First semester was fine and I did very well, the second semester I started having a serious headache. The headache was so painful that I'd even skip classes. But I pushed myself to study even under the circumstances. 

The year ended and by God's grace I made it to second year. The funny thing is when I was home the headache would be gone. My friend unfortunately had failed her Matric so she was supposed to go repeat but her mother refused. Her mother told her to find a job so she can support her child. 

I offered to help her with R400 every month from my bursary just so she can go back to school instead of working. She had a dream of one day becoming a social worker so why should that dream die because she became a mother? 

I went back to varsity and the headache began, this time my periods also wouldn't stop and my eyes were giving me a hard time. Which was weird Because I have never had eye problems. But I was a fighter, I soldiered on an bagged my second year. 

My friend was now awol on me, when I would go home during the holidays she was nowhere to be found. She deliberately hid from me. I thought it could be because she didn't go back to school even though I was sending her R400 monthly. 

I didn't even want to talk about that, I just missed my friend and wanted to tell her how hard I was having it at school because of my newly found sickness. When I was home I wasn't sick at all. Mom took me to a Sangoma who then told us that I gave someone my books and she's using them to quit school. 

She added that the very same person stole my undies so that I have none stopping periods so that I'll lose a lot of blood and be fatigued and stay home. He gave me a few mutis to use to break the curse but it didn't completely work it just made it feel better. 

I didn't even suspect my friend, I thought maybe it's someone from university since well we borrowed each other books and we share res so it's easy to get a hold of my undies. I distanced myself from res/varsity friends. I was missing my bestfriend. 

Little did I know that she was using the money I was giving her to help with her baby to cast a spell on me. I graduated and she didn't even bother coming or calling. 

I struggled so much with finding a job, I was home and we fixed our friendship. She would leave me with her baby so that she can go rewrite her Matric. I was happy to baby sit. My grandmother started complaining about me being used by my friend. She said I should tell her never to bring her child to my house. 

I told my friend and we decided I'd baby sit the baby from her house. I was still job hunting with no luck. It was now mid year exams and my friend was studying hard so I had to even sleepover at her place so I can help her with studying and also with the baby. I practically kinda moved in with her and her mother. 

Her mom was a drunkard so she came home one Monday morning after she had what they call silala in my language. She was like you are such and idiot Nkakare, you are helping someone who destroyed your future and wants you to be a nobody in life. 

My friend was at school writing her English paper. I'll never forget that day. Her mom could see that I wasn't taking her serious and she said make me something to eat and I'll give you something. I didn't mind making her food, she was a good woman just that her divorce with her husband changed her. 

She took a spade and went to the back of the house while I was making her food. She came back with a freshly dug out black Carry plastic and said this is why your life is at a standstill. She passed out on the couch. 

I opened the plastic and it was my Matric note book tied with wool, my undie tied to a dead rat, three small packets of black and red muti and my picture rolled and pinned with three needles. 

I didn't know what to say, I took the baby and ran home. My mom was so shocked, she took the baby back to my friend soon as she finished writing. She also gave my friend her black plastic. A couple of days later my mom's friend passed away. 

Apparently she just fell and died, my grandmother took the muti Matter to the village leader. My bestfriend has never tried to reach out to me even today. I am now working as an intern. My friend had to quit school again because no one can help her with the baby. I however wish her well and I'll never stop loving her, I'll just do it from a distance.