

Married to an evil pastor

Married to an evil pastor

I was 19 when my dad married me to a rich guy because he wanted the nice life for me
He was a pastor from the christian churches and the only problem that I had with the guy was because I never believed in the Bible
I could never believe something that favours only whites and because I was a non no believer people would curse me out and call me evil. 

The pastors name was Moagi and he wanted to have many children
Days passed after my wedding and one night he fixed the bed and put clean white linens and told me to undress so that he can see if I was really pure or my dad scammed him
I did so and he blindfolded me and cuffed my hands
The pain was excruciating but I didn't scream though. 

He did what he had to do  roughly until I bled. 
After 3 hours straight he stopped and told me to bath as I've passed the test
He was so happy and he phoned my parents and told them to come fetch thier 100k 
Although we were married most of the time I would be alone as he had business and a church to take care of
By nature I was a quite child and this bothered him a lot because the little time he came home he would want me to be happy and be romantic
He bought me nice clothes,cars and everything I wanted
He would force me to go to church though on Sundays and I hated it
One thing that disgusted me more was how they loved to pretend they love this so called Jesus and how they are hollier than other people. 

To me that church was about who dressed better than who
Who got the latest phone,cars
The tithe was thier favourite part as they would announce who gave the largest one
It was like an auction and this really disturbed me. 

But ey I had to pretend to be one of them
Every Sunday the tithe would make 250k
I thought to myself this can't be normal
So I started snooping around the church pretending to be a believer and a lover of God

I went through the church accounts but everything was legit
So I started following my husband unknowingly

He went to the office and the church but everyday around 7pm he would go to a particular house with an ndomba in the villages

So I went back home and tommorow came back to that house and pretended I was looking for someone. 

I was welcomed by the initiates at the gate and was told to sit in the ndomba before thier baba come to me and I should say my name in a cluster pot 3 times as put money in there

Before I got to say my name for the last one I saw my life in that pot
I saw all my husband secrets on how he had put human hands with middle finger to bring people to his church. 

And there was an actual rotting corpse at the pullpit and the miggots were the people of that church 
The more the worms the more people in his church. 

I saw he had other wife's at every province
How could it be?I thought I was the only one
I also saw him sprinkling things into our bed and an everyday midnight when I was asleep he will pace around the house saying his chants. 

Then I lastly saw myself dying in a hospital because I was hijacked and shot 
My heart was beating so fast
Baba came to the ndomba he was so short and hairy with green eyes and long ears
I mumbled in fear and he said to me if ever I were to say anything about what I saw in that pot the last part would be a reality
I just stormed out of there and ran for dear life. 

I even forgot I had a car 
On my way home my husband came looking for me
Baba must've told him I was there
He calmy told me to get in a car and took me back to Baba
He told me my curiosity got me in trouble and that this church thing is just a business to him. 

When we got to Baba I was to chose between life and death
I was told to join the team or they kill me then put me in a pulpit
And that the other person who was the pulpit was his ex wife. 

I was shaking in fear and for my life I agreed to join and I will keep quite
We went home Moagi showed me muti to use so that people like me and how to chant at midnight

Time went on my husband didn't spend time with me anymore
The only time together it's when we are doing chants and talk about church things
This marriage became more like a business deal

He went to his other wife's more frequently an I was left alone
So I had a side relationship with his friend Thuso

He was not rich but he was funny and gave me attention and we fell in love
I fell pregnant and was so scared to tell my husband but Thuso suggested we run away and start a new life but I couldn't. 

So I went to Baba and asked for powers so that I can be prophetess and Baba cut me on my head with a blade and put muti and took me to the river to bath and told me I'm ready now to become the most powerful prophetess. 
In less than a month I was the talk of town
People came running to our church because they wanna be prophesied by the best and get healed. 

I even had people to pretend to be sick and I magically make them well
And Id pay them 50k each
Moagi was so proud of me and we were the it couple and travelled world wide
Finally Moagi was with me most time and we had sex even the days were I missed my Thuso but I wanted him to believe it's his child. 

One day as we were getting ready for our midnight chants Baba appeared with something that looked like a man but he was wierd and had a body of hoarse but the face was of a human. 

He had green eyes too
I screamed for dear life and tried to run away but Moagi calmed me down
I couldn't look at that thing and Moagi said I must bow and show respect
I did but I was shaking. 

And they wanted another sacrifice cause the maggot in that corpse were decreasing
Moagi was quick to tell them we'll kill one the wife's. 

I declined to this nonsense and I got punished now I had to be the one who should do it
In the morning Moagi came with sledgehammer and a body bag and we hit the road. 

We were going to the eastern cape and I was in tears the whole time
When we got there I fixed my makeup and and I got the shock of my life