

Money rituals to block success

 Hi mamazala
 I used the money my friend would give to me, trying to help me as her unemployed bestfriend to block her success. 

(let's call her Mmabatho) Mmabatho and I come way back, we have always been friends and we always had each other's backs. I honestly loved her so much but what I did to her is unforgivable. 

Batho, as I'd call her came from a disadvantage background. I on the other hand was the daughter of a lawyer and a school principal. I was so used to being the one who had to share with Batho or rather the one who always had all the finest things.

When the tables turned I got way jealous and Batho didn't notice my jealousy. She always looked out for me as I've always looked out for her in the past. Nothing was going right for me, all was going amazingly well for her and that was not okay with me. 

She got a job right after finishing her degree, I on the other hand had to quit school because I fell pregnant. By the time I went back to school she was almost done with her degree. 

Soon as she left, I started drinking, smoking and bunking classes. I failed and my parents got tired. I even got excluded at school and they gave up on me. Batho's life was going well. She bought a car and a new house were she relocated with her siblings and mom.

They were living a life I never thought she would achieve in such a short space of time. I was driving my parents cars of which most times they would refuse me driving unless they are sending me somewhere. 

I went to a traditional healer and asked if he can't help me slow down my Bestfriend's progress. I didn't want her to lose everything, I just wanted her progress slowed down so that I can try to catch up. Mmabatho was a hard worker so I knew that I'd never catch up without slowing her down traditionaly.

The traditional healer told me about the money trees. Apparently there are about 400 of those trees in the world. You ask whoever you want to curse for money and make sure they give you the money directly. If the money was sent via ATM then it won't work.

You ask for the money then take the money to that tree and call out the person's name and surname then you lock the money on the tree and leave it there. When you leave don't look back, make sure you tell the tree what you'd like to happen to the person you are the for. 

Get one leave from the tree and take it home with you. Put it in a glass full of water. Remind the leave Everyday by talking to it why it went to the tree. I kept telling the tree that I want Batho to fall into financial crises and hit rock bottom. When your curse is working the leaf will turn brown. 

My parents had stopped doing anything for me, they were doing everything for my baby now. After a month the leaf started turning brown. I then called Batho to ask for money, I was testing the water. She then started crying saying that she has been retrenched. 

I was happy, I did a little dance over the phone. Three months later her car was repossessed. She was a mess but I started feeling her Financial gap in my life. 

She used to help me a lot and now I had nowhere to go. My friend lost even her house and the whole family relocated back to square 1. Her mother couldn't bear seeing her child like that so she passed away due to stroke.

Batho is now diagnosed with severe depression. 

NB:Guys I have a lot more confessions in the mailbox but I have no strength to share them because The love expert page steals the confessions and the confessors angrily text me.

But let's share this one to raise awareness for those too kind and too trusting people.


Batho now has 4 mouths to feed and nothing is going right. She has nothing and no one to fall back on. Her siblings are struggling because of my selfishness.

I couldn't take it anymore and I went back to the Sangoma and he said the only way to break the curse is to confess to batho and she should be the one going with me to the tree so that she removes her money from the tree.

The problems I have now I two.

1. I am very scared to tell her and she will never forgive me because I practically killed her mom.

2. The tree is filled with so much money I don't even know if we will be able to spot her money on the tree, will I recognize it?

There is so much money on the tree that I now know that there are many people like me who have evil hearts. 

Batho my friend if you see this confession please please forgive me and I am ready to take you to the tree just so we try. I am having sleepless nights and I honestly regret what I did to you. 

You my friend don't deserve a friend like me so I fully understand if you want to cut me off but allow us to go to the tree first. I am deeply sorry Mabatho😢🙏🏾