

My dad is dead but alive

My dad passed away 5 years ago, we started seeing him around a year ago.

He is skinnier, dirty and it hurts. We can't even get closer to him because he runs for his dear life when he sees that we have spotted him. At first we used to be so scared and we would run but now we want to get closer to him and find out what's happening. 

Another thing is, is it really him that we are seeing or we are being trapped? My daddy died in a car accident and as per our culture his coffin only came home on the morning of the burial so we didn't even get to see him.

But we identified his body at the mortuary and we can safely say it was indeed him. When we started seeing him we became suspicious that we might have not buried the right body.

We asked permission from our village leader and the police to dig out his coffin. It took us over 5 months to follow the right law procedures and we found bricks in his coffin.

That is when we stopped being scared of him when he comes around because chances that it might be him are there. The thing is he is always following us from a distant and he watches us from a distance. 

We once sneaked behind him the first time and we noticed that he cries while watching us. We couldn't catch him, he ran faster than a springbok. 

The second time my little brother found him in his bedroom and he said they both screamed before dad ran off. According to him he says that dad does not have a tongue. What does that mean?

My mother is even sick because of this situation. We have as a family decided that since we have identified his body and it was washed and dressed by our aunt on Friday in preparation for his burial then it means he died therefore we would like it to keep it that way.

We would like him to rest in peace and stop running around as this is traumatising all of us. We doubt we could be able to have him back and things go back to normal.

We've spent a lot of money at sangomas trying to catch him without any luck. How do we help our beloved dad from suffering. He now looks like a homeless mad man wherelse he was a neat freak who always looked and smelled good.

I'll read comments and contact anyone who will be able to help or direct us to someone who can help.