

My pastor has a snake

I come from a poor background, but our faith was strong. My parents believed so much in church and miracles. When I was 15, a pastor from Tanzania opened a church in my village.

It is amazing how in just a few weeks a lot of people abandoned their churches to join this particular song. Obviously the pastor had to change lives of a few families around so that he could win a lot of people to join his church.

He built about 5 houses at a village worth of 5000 houses, bought 2 cars to two families and opened spaza shops for three house holds. Such testimonies got his church full faster than you can say amen, my family included.

His biggest word at church was for girls to remain pure until they are married. He preached more about how pure girls are a ticket to changing their family status.

Every year he would choose four girls at church who claimed to be pure but one at a time. He would take one girl quarterly and when the girl went back home, she would change her home situation completely and on top of that get married.

That's every parent's dream. So basically our parents started guarding us and making sure that we remain pure. But there was just something off about these girls when they returned. It was as if something was taken away from them and they were never the same again. But the men that would marry them would testify that they are indeed pure once they were married.

My turn came and I was excited to have been given a chance to make my parents proud. The pastor and his wife took me to a mountain, they call it a prayer mountain. Apparently if you lie and say you are pure when you are not then you are not coming back from that mountain.

No one in my church has ever lied so all the girls came back. Okay, so when we go to the mountain I was ordered to take off all my clothes and I was ordered not to Pray. I was told to close my eyes and fantasize about everything I want in life. The pastor's wife told me not to open my eyes no matter what happens.

I felt a very cold breeze all of a sudden, it became windy at the same time but not too much. I suddenly felt like I have been magnated and I couldn't move. I don't think I've ever been that scared in my life. I felt something huge and cold moving around me.

I couldn't even fantisize about anything. Fear clouded my brain. Within a very short time everything went back to normal and my pastor's wife handed me my clothes and told me to leave and not look back.

I walked down back to the car and waited for them for over two hours. Even today I still don't know why I had to wait for them that long. They came back and we drove to their house.

They told me not to bath nor eat. They offered me a room to sleep. The room had no lights, it was dark. I was told that the bulb burnt and they forgot to buy a new one to replace it but they will do so the next day.

They used a torch in the room and the bed had a white linen, I was told that the pastor's wife was going to do a purity test on me. The pastor left the room, I took off all my clothes and sat in a position I was instructed.

The torch went off, and the pastor's wife told me not to panic and just relax, she then again asked me not to pray but think wealth. She said she's gonna sit at a corner in the room and play a drum so I can relax and so I know that she's there every step of the way. 

At this point I was starting to panic. The very same cold breeze and wind that I felt at the mountain was starting to fill up the room. At this point the room was very dark and I couldn't see anything.

Pastor's wife was still playing the drum at the corner and I could feel the presence of a third factor in the room. The was a sound of something very big crawling. Next thing I heard was something very big entering inside me from my legs. 

I wanted to scream but it was like I had no voice, I couldn't even move. The drum was now louder than ever. It was like it was now playing in my head. 

I am not sure what happened but I think I passed out. The next day I woke up in a bed that I couldn't even recognize. The sheets were black no longer a white linen. The rook felt different, it was like it's not the room I was in last night.

I had a funny smell on me it was a mixture of sea water smell and boiled potato smell. I was tired, it felt like I was hit by a train. I couldn't feel my stomach, all I remember was that something entered my body and, I even recall the funny movements in my stomach.

I also think whatever that was came out through my mouth but I am not sure, I have a very faint memory of seeing a snake coming out of my mouth but I don't know I could be wrong. 

I spent a week at the pastor's wife, it was like they were monitoring me to see if I could remember anything. I was certain that they were definitely guilty of something bad that happened to me because they were nursing me back to health. 

Sunday came and before we left the house to go to church, plus I was going back to my parents house. They gave me a big travel bag full of money. They told me to never share my experience with anyone as that will drive my family back to poverty.

My family is now doing very well financially, my dad multiplied the money by starting a family business. I got married but I am struggling to have children. None of the girls that went through the test have children. 

I've been to so many Gynecologist and they are all telling me that I have no eggs. I am told I will never have kids. My pastor and his wife are fine and still doing the tests. That's how desperate our parents are. My pastor and his wife have four children, am wrong to believe that their snake ate all my eggs?

Maybe by the time you read this, I will be dead or mentally ill.