

Sangoma put a love spell on my sister

My sister was struggling to conceive two years back and medical ferti pills were not helping so she opted for a Sangoma. She was advised by a colleague to try traditional things. The Sangoma used a love spell on my sister instead. 

Let me try to summarise the story because it's very long. My sister got married at age 29 and hasn't been able to conceive. There's nothing she hasn't tried but still.

One of her colleague which she also regarded as a friend then told her to try a Sangoma she knows. Desperate as my sister was she then went to see the traditional healer with her husband. 

My brother inlaw didn't have a problem with my sister not being able to give him children. The Doctor said she's got low egg count or something like that but my brother inlaw assured her that there is absolutely no pressure. 

But sis was just obsessed with having kids if her own. We were even scared to tell her when we were pregnant because she would fall into depression for some time. The Sangoma told my sister that she should follow all his instructions and she will be pregnant in 5 months.

She was super excited and the Sangoma kept charging her crazy amounts but my sister was earning enough so she could very well afford. The man kept asking for those fat amounts and my sister wouldn't mind at all.

He kept telling her to come daily for cleansing baths and he gave her multiple muti in 2L bottles to drink. Two months into this my sister started distancing herself from her husband and us.

She would get irritated when we called or even visited. She even moved out of her home with her husband to rent an apartment. She didn't give us her new address, her colleague did. 

We decided to visit her on a Saturday when she wasn't at work. We went there with her husband, my uncle, uncle inlaw and mom. We got the shock of our lives.

The Sangoma which my brother identified as the Sangoma that's supposed to be helping my sister get pregnant was found in the apartment. 

He was topless wearing shorts and slippers when he answered the door. He invited us in and we were all so embarrassed to even say anything. We just walked in and sat on the couch while we waited for my sister. 

We were told that she is still bathing. The man was acting like everything is fine, he offered us drinks which we turned down. I could see my brother in law's pain in his eyes. It really didn't make sense. My sister loved my brother inlaw so much for her to act the way that she did.

She was one person who was obsessed with an educated man. She left a very educated and well off man for a high school drop out and unemployed man. I don't mean to look down on anyone but I'm just trying to paint a picture of my sister's ideal man.

She stopped talking to our little brother for a year because he chose to take a gap year after Matric. She only started talking to him as soon as he started varsity the next year. So what was happening here was unlike her.

She was even 7 years older than the Sangoma. That's even shocking. After the bath my sister didn't even sit down she just stormed out and asked us to leave as she and her man and i quote "my man and I have lives to live and places to go so please leave my house and go buy toys".

We tried talking to her and she gave her boyfriend her car key and told him to go wait in the car. We thought she would hear us out but all she said was she wants a divorce then pushed us out. 

My brother inlaw was just numb at this point. We walked out and watched her get into her car and her boyfriend driving off. It's been almost a year now and we haven't seen nor spoken to my sister. 

I honestly want my sister back, I miss her so much but she made it clear that the only family she has is her boyfriend and his family. She has even adopted the boyfriend's child as her own. We are told by the colleague that she has even bought him a car and he is still not working nor schooling. 

It is evident that he has used muti on her and we've tried to help her but it is the more she hates us and distance herself from us. She would even beat you up for telling ukuthi udlisiwe. 

According to her colleague, the boyfriend's baby mama passed away few months back and my sister paid for all expenses for the funeral from day one till the burial day, she even erected a tombstone for her.

How do we help someone who has been used by her own zangoma? Where do we even begin when she hates us this much? She went to consult to conceive but she ended up adopting the Sangomas child. How does that happen?

Shouldn't there be a harsh punishment for such Sangoma? Preying on the powerless who are desperate for help? How does God even allow this to happen?