

Witchcraft:Domestic workers confession

I worked for a very successful couple in waterfall. I admired them so much because I have a daughter who is almost the same age as myself. She was just 5 years older and had accomplished things that I had not and will never accomplish.

The sir of the house was a bit older than the madam. Their age gap might have been 15 years or so. They had two children who lived somewhere else. The couple had a lot of properties and this was the only property their kids were not allowed.

Even they would come like once a week. But I had to cook each and everyday. The house had one a rule I was told to take very serious in order to keep my job. I was told should I disobey them on that one rule then I was fired. 

I earned R10 000 and also had a car that was practically mine. I used the car to run errands such as grocery shopping etc and whenever I was off because I offed two weekends, I was allowed to take the car home with me. So life was really smooth for me and my family.

I would get a full tank top up everytime u was traveling home so I needn't worry about spending my money on petrol. They were a very giving and kind family. 

The rule was that everyday at 12 noon I had to be out of the house, I had to go sit at the gate. I needed to close all curtains, make sure all windows are closedand lock all doors. The house would be dark. There was even a big wall clock that had an alarm that would remind me everyday at 10 to 12.

The house was really beautiful and fancy but no pictures were allowed in the house and no visitors at all. I would go back to the house at 12:30 and start by opening windows and curtains. The house always had a smell of mashed potato salad and a bit of blood everytime I opened but the smell would then vanish an hour later.

So as time went by I realized that since I got into that house I lost one of my favorite jersey. That started bothering me because I knew I came with it and I'm literally the only one who's ever at the house. It bothered me so much that I ended up seeking answers, I visited a prophet who told me that the jersey is in the house.

It was not lost and nor is it used for witchcraft. She said there is a big animal in that house that has my jersey, apparently it uses that jersey to familarise itself with my scent so that it never harms me. That scared me a lot. 

And since then I got over cautious in the house. What the prophet said made sense because sometimes when I'm sleeping at night, I get weird sleep paralysis and when I would get those it would feel like there's a very big snake in the house. I could see it in a blurry vision but when I wake up it would feel like just a dream.

There would sometimes even be weird heavy movements in the ceiling and I've told the madam about this and she would say it must be the trees and the movements are from the roof and not the ceiling. She told me to ignore them. 

This other day at 12 noon I did as usual but accidentally didn't close one of the curtains well, there was a bit of space and I could see it from the gate. I decided to go see if I can see the inside and what I saw that day still traumatises me.

I think I saw snakes, very big snakes. But I just saw their tales disappearing into the ceilings. I am not sure how many but it definitely wasn't one. The very same day the madam called me not to enter the house, she's coming. 

She came with her husband, who just sits like a robot. The man doesn't talk much nor laugh or smile. All he does is drive the car and has a very serious face. He hardly ever talks. Upon their arrival the madam asked me nicely to wait outside for her. 

They both kneeled down on the door before entering as if they were doing an ancestral thing(ukuphahla) I could hear bits and pieces. Sounded like they were asking permission to enter and asking for forgiveness.

They poured some black and red muti and also burned something cos there was smoke. After 20 minutes they then entered the house and came back with my bags. They drove me to the taxi rank and also gave me a black bag that they asked me to open only when I get home.

They said they would call me when they need me back. I opened the bag when I got home and it was a bag filled with money. I've never heard from them since and I think they even blocked my number on what's because I no longer see the madams statuses.

Anyone ever experienced this? I don't even talk much about it because no one seems to believe me. That bag of money, seems like only I can see it but when the money is usable I don't know if you get me. I could leave it unattanded and I'll still find it untouched the next day. I have run out of money now and I miss my old job.

I have tried calling the madam but it takes me straight to voicemail.