

How I use drunkards for money rituals

My life has become a mess in so many ways. I have entered the darkness that is making it so very hard for me to live my life. 

I regret the day I drank a lot, got drunk and ran into what I thought was a person. I instantly got sober but when I got out of the car there was no one there but I saw myself running over someone with my car.

I heard the scream, the screetching of tires and a big bang but when I stepped out there was no one. I drove home but at this point i was very scared and the next morning I found myself sleeping in a pool of money holding a brown weird thing. 

I am now living life like a snake, I have never seen that snake in my house but I have a room that I have created for it.

I might not be making sense now but it will make sense oneday. I just know that ngithwele with a snake although I have never seen it but I am 100% sure that it is there and I live with it.

Everytime it wants my attention and it is about to appear I turn blind. It gives me instructions, I can only feel it because it moves around me. Then it goes back to the room. 

I run into drunkards at night to feed this snake. If I don't go and target drunkards and feed it then i turn into a snake. Not physically but with everything I do. 

Instead of walking I crawl like a snake, I slither too. When the snake is furious with me then it makes me behave like a snake infront of people. 

I'm always indoors unless I am out looking for fresh blood to feed it. People are very scared of me and I am now a loner because people are aware of my crawling and slithering now they suspect I might be into evil things so they distance themselves. 

What I do is that on weekends, once a month I target a busy tarven, club or whatever and then I wait in the car at the parking lot to target someone who's either walking or driving alone. 

The person must be very drunk so that it makes the job easy for me. If the person is walking I then follow then until no one is one and the cost is clear.

If they are walking I just carry them into my and throw them to the dark room then when the snake is done with feeding itself on them, it throws them in the bushes not far from where they live.

That's how many are found dead in the bushes and the murderer is never found. If it's a car then I cause a car crash and the snake moves fast for feeds right there on the scene then follows me back home. 

In most car crashes the snake can feed itself in the presence of people and they would never see or even feel it's presence. 

I have money but I don't have a life. At first it was exciting because I was able to do things, the snake was lenient on me and allowed me to have a life and my time. 

Now that I am in too deep, I am living for it. It has become jealous, agrresive and controlive. Everytime I try to get rid of it or try to enjoy my life it makes me behave like it. 

Anyone who finds ukuthwala attractive please be sure that you are selling your life and letting go of yourself. You will now live for the money and not live for you and life. 

The prices paid is painful and brutal. You are selling your life.