

Demons at school

 Thokoza mama

Mama there is this two twin boys doing grade 5 this year ,we suspect they are possessed.

Those kids have become our school bosses. We can not reprimand nor discipline them no matter what wrong they do. One twin is quiet and shy,the other is a bully and a problem child. The children live with their aunt,their dad's younger sister(rakgadi). Their aunt is only 22 years old and we have called her enough times to the school but from what we ha

ve observed is that she looks like someone who is scared of the twins herself.

When the twins were in grade 2 they stole one pupil's book and sock. They then brought them back after days of looking for the book and shoe. One pupil saw them as they put back the items as if they were lost and found.

The witness reported them,the teacher punished them. The learner who reported them has since been missing,he got lost a week after reporting the kids and he is still missing even today. We buried the teacher who disciplined the kids a month later. He just fell and collapsed during lessons and that was it.

We didn't think much about it although a few people had their suspicions but we as a school decided not to jump into any conclusions. 

The shy twin was caught copying during a test at school in grade 4 and he was then suspended for a week from school. On day 3 of his suspension his twin didn't come to school too and during break time a huge tornado came and a lot of things were ruined.

Class windows broke, the teacher who caught him's car windows got smashed and the principal who issued the suspension was hit by a small brick from the tornado we suspect. The brick hit him on the head, he was outside when the tornado started.

The scary thing is the tornado only started in the school premises and ended there. No one outside the school saw or experienced anything even houses and shops near the school felt nor saw anything. 

What confirmed our suspecions about the twins being dark was when they were found eating during lessons, the teacher then took their lunch box and kept them with him just to punish them. Later on two small snakes were found in the lunch boxes.

The teacher who had confiscated the lunchbox heard things moving in the lunch boxes and opened one then ran for his dear life. The other one was opened by another teacher who wanted to be sure that what was happening was real. 

There was also another teacher who pointed at the bully twin to keep quiet since he was talking during class and the teacher's finger started getting swollen the next day and it kept bothering him until it got ampituated.

The problem now is that it is no longer safe or nice being in that school. We are all living in fear of just two kids. We've begged the Department to remove them from school but we are told that they can't do that based on speculations. 

How many more people must get hurt or die in the mercy of this small children terrorizing the whole school? Is there any kind of help I can get from you mamazalas anonymous confessions and it's followers?

As the teachers at that school we are willing to pay any amount asked to get rid of the bad vibe going on with this two kids. Our lives and that of our pupils and families are in great danger. 

I will read comments for anyone who can help.