

I bought a ghost house and I fell pregnant for the ghost

My life is a mess at this point. 

Five years ago my husband and I bought a house and in less than six months we were already fighting. We are now even divorced. I fell pregnant and the child turns out to not be that of my husband's but it is however mine. 

I was so confused when I gave birth to a child that looked like nothing like me nor my husband. As expected he asked for DNA tests and they came out negative. 

I was so shocked as I have never ever been with any other man and I also requested a test and it turned out to be mine. My husband then stayed telling me that there were always signs that I was playing him.

He says he once came home some other day and saw a man jumping the fence and at first he thought someone was trying to break in. I remember him telling me this the day it happened but I too got scared because I thought what would have happened if my husband hadn't shown up. 

On other days when he came back he said he would smell a man's perfume and a cigarette. We both once found cigarettes bit in the bathroom. We both don't smoke. 

My son is now 3 years old and one of the neighbors tells me that my son looks exactly like the first owner of the house. 

Apparently the owner passed away. He shot his cheating wife then turned the gun on himself. The wife survived but the husband sadly did not survive. 

She's not the only one who kept telling me that my baby looks everything like the deceased man. They even helped me get a picture of the man on Facebook and he looks exactly like my son. 

I forwarded the picture to my ex husband and he is still in shock. He also says this is the same man he saw jumping over the fence and it is the same man he bumped into on the streets, he says each time the man sees his car coming he faces down. 

But he recognises him. What is even shocking is the fact that this man is dead yet he impregnated me. We looked for his relatives with the help of the neighbors and we found them. 

We had a DNA test done between the late man's brother and my son and it came out positive. I am now so very scared of my own son. We don't even know what to do or think. 

I am failing to be a mother to my son. After finding out this, my husband and I tried fixing our marriage but It is too damaged already. I really don't know what to do. 

I watch my child cry and feel absolutely nothing. How did this happen? Is he really a real baby? How do I go on with life, knowing what I know? Do I need some sort of cleansing? Is my baby alive?