

How I became a witch

 How I became a witch.

My story is short and straight to the point. My father was a Sangoma and as his kids we used to sometimes go with him to the mountain to pick up herbs which we would soon turn to muti. 

I was familiar with a lot of mutis. Married women would come to pay revenge to their husband's mistresses or teach their husbands lessons. 

Most of this women would get the assistance they need if only the people they are trying to pay revenge on would also be using muti on them to destroy their lives. My father refused to be of any assistance unless the bones showed him that the person was indeed in danger. 

When I was 17 years old I unfortunately dissapointed my parents by falling pregnant. As if that wasn't enough,the person responsible refused to take responsibility. Instead he called me a liar and said that I am just trying to destroy him by making lies up.

He embarrassed me infront of the community and most of all my parents. I for so angry that I went to the mountain to prepare for his worst nightmare. If it's war he wants then it is definitely war that he will get. 

For me to be successful in destroying this guy I needed blood from his family or even him. I had to self terminate the pregnancy because I was carrying the power to destroy and end his life. His own flesh and blood.

My father had helped many terminate their pregnancies safely. I mixed the herbs my self and did the job that needed to be done to execute my mission.

The termination was successful and I had enough bl**d to do the work. I staryeed mixing herbs and used the bl**d. I ruined all his friendships, that was just a test to see if this will really work.

It worked like the magic that it was. All his friends wanted nothing to do with him. Most even shared his secrets on social media and a big fight began there.

I kept the things that came out during termination safely in a closed bucket which I hid far from anyone. A year later I heard that he is engaged and I went back to my bucket. It had a very foul smell but the smell was something I could endure at the cost of his misery.

I worked my magic and they broke up. I then realized that friends and dating only brought temporary pain so I went for his family and mental health. I took his child's remain to turn him into someone who found his mom attractive enough to bonk.

I turned him into a total p*rvet. He was  forcing himself on his mom and he got arrested for also forcing himself on two other people.

I found myself very addicted to instilling pain to his life. He had an older sister who was down for him and always trying to rescue him. She was in my way, so I dealt with her. She died in what they believe is an accident.

They buried a tree log, because I had a use for her so I've been using her to make her little brother's life a mess. She knows all the corners of their home so it's always wise to use someone in the family to help you execute missions to torment them.

Once in a while I send her to spook the whole family, especially when I see them happy and doing well. Whenever there's a new child in that family I make sure their first 5 years of life is a mess and trauma.

I traumatise the family through the baby. I have moved on with my life and now married with three kids. But history can not be unchanged and he traumatised me so I will not stop until the day he comes and apologize to me publicly. 

I really don't care if I am judged but I do not and will never be remorseful. I was laughed at for a very long time and I even had to relocate because my parents couldn't take the embarrassment caused.

He has taken so much from me, he has cost me my entire childhood and I am taking all his adult life. I am a nurse now and he is a nobody and nothing.

No child, no wife, nothing. And that serves him right for thinking he is bigger and special. No one gets away with such. Too many man got away with ruining girl's lives. Girl child's life matters too.