


I am a bad omen to men, I said yes to a job offer that has turned me into a bad omen. Every man I date dies a mysterious death. 

I need help, three years ago I was unemployed and broke. Then one day I met a very beautiful and elagant woman who asked me to be her son's nanny. 

She said her nanny had gone home because there is a funeral there. Apparently the nanny was from Lesotho so she would be gone for atleast two months so she needeed someone to stay with her son until then.

She said she would pay me R7 000 per month, looking at her clothes, her hair, nails and car I could tell that she definitely could afford the amount. I am someone who is lazy by nature so hard Labour was the last taking on my mind.

I went to school, studied hard and got myself a degree because I wanted to avoid hard Labour as much as I can. I told her I'd find someone else for her because I am not really domesticated. She then said I'll give you R10 000 a month.

Now I was tempted, this is someone I met randomly on the streets so I decided to take her number and she took mine too. Later that night she started sending me of clothes she no longer wears and would like to give them to me. She also sent weaves, sent me a picture of a car I'll be using when doing errands.

There was a company car? I made a little joke about that and we both laughed. So I accepted the offer because everything was just tempting. I come from an avarage home. We were not rich but we slept with full stomachs every night.

We had a decent roof over our heads and my parents were able to take me through school and I also had a licence. We had a car at home so I also knew how to drive too. I knew the finest things in life, I just didn't have them and I wanted them.

The woman was an epitome of the life I dreamt of. We started chatting for on a daily basis, for hours for one week and I accepted the job offer. She then said she would come fetch me so she could meet my parents.

I told my parents and showed the pictures of the cars and everything. I even went on social media to find more pictures so I can show my parents but to my surprise I couldn't find her on any social media.

I thought maybe she used other names so I ignored the first red flag. You can't have so much to show off to the world and not even bother showing them. That was a huge red flag but I made excuses for the red flag. 

My parents were a bit skeptical but the fact that they were meeting her made them feel at ease a bit. She came and all was fine. They loved her, she was very loveable, respectful, humble and down to earth. She told them that she was the only child at home and she always wanted to play the big sis role. 

When she fell pregnant she wanted a girl because she wished for a bestfriend but God had other plans. My parents then told her she can just send us her location and they will drop me off the next day(Sunday) because I was starting with work on Monday.

She had no problem and left. She had brought my parents goodies so they totally loved her. African parents have a thing for people who gives them gifts. When she got home she sent me a pin and I told my parents. The next day just as we were about to leave she showed up at our door step.

 She claimed she was just around the neighborhood and so she decided since she's nearby she might aswel pick me up. She had won our trust so we didn't suspect anything dodgy at all. 

My parents agreed that I go with her and before we left she gave them R1000 and said they should buy coldrink and biscuits since it's so hot. I saw the excitement in my parents eyes because heyi they love money those two. I bet they wished she was their daughter.

We drove off. She then told me that she wanted us to pass by her favorite restaurant so that we have late lunch before going home. She said her husband was home with the baby so we are going to have late lunch to celebrate my new temporary job. 

We got to a very fancy restaurant and the waiters and waitresses were fighting to serve us, I then knew that this could only mean one thing, she gives good tips. Anyway we had our late lunch and as it got dark we left. 

When we arrived at her house it was too fancy and way very beautiful. She showed me my room and told me that her husband and child are probably sleeping so I will meet them tomorrow morning. 

My room was sooo beautiful, it looked like a 5 star hotel room. The wardrobe had those nice clothes she sent pictures of on whatsapp. 

There was also a bag full of make up on the table dresser. I took so many pictures and I was very excited that this was my life the next two months. I sent my mom pictures of my room and clothes. My mom was very happy for me. 

The next morning I was up bright and early, I took a quick shower in the room and waited for her come because I didn't know where to go to. She eventualy came carrying the baby. Then she took me on a tour in the house and showed me my chores and etc. 

The baby liked me already, he was holding on to me with his dear life. He had a very strong grip. She then asked me never to enter her bedroom since she shared it with her husband. 

She also asked me not to make friends with anyone in the complex since they talk too much and next thing I will be giving them inside information unaware and we will be robbed. 

While we were having breakfast she then told me that her husband left very early in the morning so I'd meet him soon. She also added that he was a very busy man so it might take even a month before I meet him. 

Life was good, I was treated like royalty and the baby and I got along very beautifuly. He was one year 3 months with a heart of gold. I started realizing that the baby was becoming a bit obsessive with me.

He was behaving more like a boyfriend but I found it cute at first. There was something off about me as days went by I was becoming forgetful and literally always so tired.

I would sleep with the baby in the same bed because he woudo refuse to sleep in his nursery. 

There was something weird about that house, whenever I would try to take pictures anywhere none other than my bedroom they would appear very blurry. I am was no longer happy in the house and it was now the 3rd month and their nanny was still not back. 

I was given money, a lot of it even but I no longer wanted to be there. There was something that was draining me. I was no longer myself. On the 3rd month I was given a weekend off and I went home. 

Did I mention that, when we wanted to leave the house we would have to wait until it's dark outside? I was not even allowed to go outside during the day at all. If she had somewhere to go then she would leave the house when it was still dawn and return when it was dark. 

Anywhere when I got home my parents could tell that I was not okay, I was weak, thin and my skin appeared as a skin of someone who lived at a desert. When we consulted I was told that I have been having intimacy with a strange creature and I was filled with bad luck. 

The creature took away any good luck I had and I fed it all the goodness in me and luck and I got money and a luxury life in exchange. It's been 3 years since this happened. 

Every man I now date passes away in a space of three months. In that three months they lose everything they had be it jobs, businesses etc then later die a mysterious death.

They hang themselves. I tried three men and I have decided to let go of dating since I am now rumored to be a witch and accused of killing men. The funny thing is I don't even know my way back to that house and her number in my phone has magically dissappeared. 

I never got to meet her husband and she had never called to ask why I wasn't back at work even. She has magicaly dissappeared. I am sharing this as an awareness to other young ambitious women out there.