

How my wife rose from the dead

 Keeping the dead alive

In my life I have been hurt by death so many times. The pain is one pain that never heals nor go away. I lost the people I loved dearly to death. 

My grand parents, my parents and my big sister. I was then left alone in this cruel world. But I was lucky enough to be adopted by a teacher at my school. Illegal adoption, no papers, just her taking me in and loving me like her own son. 

She had one daughter so taking me in as a son completed her family portrait. Her husband was also just as welcoming and warm. They saw me through school until I graduated and became a paralegal.

When I got a job they allowed me to go back to my parent's house, on my request. I went there and rebuilt everything from scratch. In varsity I had met the love of my life, my best friend who studied to be a teacher and was now working as well. 

I knew I needed to start a family of my own, so I paid lobola for her and we moved into my parents house. We fixed the house together until it became a house of our dreams. 

When my wife was 8 months pregnant, she died in a car accident on her way from attending her own baby shower. Once again death has hurt me again, this time it was deeper.

The person who made life make sense to me again had left me. I was not okay, after funeral I would go to her grave each and everyday. I would just sit there crying and asking her to forgive me for not being able to save her from death. 

One day as I was sitting by her grave, a very old and scary looking woman just appeared from nowhere. She looked pale, tired and hungry. She told me that she's been watching me for months visiting my dead wife and baby.

She further said that my wife's bestfriend was the cause of the accident and death. If there was no baby shower my wife would still be alive. She offered to help me resurrect my mini family if only I promised to do one thing for her. 

The truth is it made sense that my wife's bestfriend could be the one responsible for her death. She had been acting very weird and avoiding my wife since the wedding. 

She never even attended our wedding. It was a bit offish when she just rocked up and offered to have a baby shower for us. We initially didn't want it, but we ended up agreeing because my wife felt bad. 

She said we should give her bestfriend a chance to make up for not attending the wedding and other things. I was a supportive husband so anything to make my wife happy. 

The old woman asked me to bring her a snake, a big teddy bear and chicken liver from a black chicken. I was very hesitant at first but the way I was missing my wife I decided to give it try because I kept on saying I'd give anything to have her back. 

After two weeks of fighting with my conscience, I finaly went back to the graveyard with everything I was asked of. She ordered me to leave and Never set food near my wife's grave. She also added that my wife would be back to life in the next 3 days.

On the third day when I woke up I woke up next to my pregnant wife. But she had all the scars she got during the pregnancy. The old woman told me that no one will see or hear my wife except for me.

I was happy yet scared to see her, she went about her day as if nothing ever happened. The only problem with this woman I now live with is she's not like my wife. 

Yes she looks and sound like her but this one is very abusive. She is making my life a living h*ll. People now even think I have now become mentally stable since my wife died.

This is because of how my wife draggs me, beats me and even pinch me everytime she is upset even in public. And no one sees her except me so I always appear mad. 

I don't know how to get a hold of the old woman anymore. This is not my wife.