

Lawyers into witchcraft

I am someone who worked in retail before being disable after I got into a fatal accident in the taxi.

There is a family owned law firm in Mafikeng where by they rely on people getting in accidents and the lawyers representing the people to Claim from RAF.

It's funny how people only questioned why the lawyers are always present at the accident scenes. Like soon after the accident they are the first to get there. 

Not the same person Ofcourse but it's the same law firm all the time. Let me tell you how my life changed. I was coming back from work, knocked off late that day so I was in the taxi at 19h30. We got into the accident right about that time.

I don't know why the driver kept saying he didn't see anything, but then everyone who survived claimed to have not seen what caused the accident.

I even thought maybe I was imagining things until they came to me months after the accident and told me to not tell a soul or the thing I saw will kill my entire family one by one. 

They have since been sending me money from all the accidents that happened and still happens. At first it was exciting for me but now my ancestors have completely turned against me. Nothing of mine is going right. This is why I am here to share my story hoping to get help.

We were driving in a Road that's between mountains, it was dark outside since it was late. While driving I was a bit sleepy since it has been a long day and I was sitting in the front seat. 

Suddenly the road started being misty, there was a big fire ahead on the side of the lane that we are driving on. To my surprise the driver kept going and this was rather scary for me.

I asked him if he can see what's ahead and he just kept driving, he wasn't blinking nor answering me. There's three of us infront so I asked the lady next to me if she sees what I am seeing and she was just staring at her phone not moving or anything. 

As we got closer to the fire I started screaming so much but I was the only one screaming. Before the fire there was a very big blak snake with a white line in the middle. It was like the Tar road only that it was laying horizontally to the road. 

I screamed so much but it was like I was the only person alive in the car. My colleague who was sitting at the back seat was also zombied out. I couldn't understand what was going on. 

The driver drove straight into the snake and the car overturned and rolled over. When the car stopped rolling that's when i opened my eyes and I saw the lawyers. I heard them say there was someone very strong in this taxi but how will we know which one?

I could see them and hear them but I couldn't talk. The other one said let's not kill anyone, we will do our things and find out as time goes. Then they called the ambulance. 

I think I must have passed out because that was the last thing I remember from the scene. I don't even know how long the ambulance took to get there but I woke up on a hospital bed. 

I was hurt and in serious pain. The next day the very same lawyers came to check on the accident patients and they were offering help to claim the Road Accident Funds. I heard there were two people who passed in that accident so they convinced the families to allow them to claim for them. 

My biggest flop was telling them that I heard what they said at the scene. They then started threatening me. They say that my ancestors are too stubborn therefore they will not kill me.

But the people close to my heart are accessible and they can easily harm them. I tried getting help from sangomas and I was told that taking the bribery from them, meaning the money I get after every accident now means I am a part of their dark world now and I am a part of them.

Please if anyone can assist me I'll be grateful.