

How I learned witchcraft

Initiated to witchcraft

I am struggling a lot in life and it's because of all the dark things I have done in my life. I am today very old and can't write but I have asked my social worker to share my story with anyone who cares to listen. 

I got married at a very early age of 17. My parents married me away to a man they too never met. Lobola was paid and I moved in with the family. We were told that the man I am married to worked at a mine in Rustenburg. 

When I got to my inlaws they told me that my husband will come home as soon as he is off at work, which might be in the next three months. I was a child so I was okay with everything I was told. I stayed there without knowing the face of the man I was married to. 

One day my mother in law called me to her room and asked me to be up at midnight and join her in this other roundavel room that was always locked. She said it was time for me to be introduced to their elders. I didn't think much of it but just found it weird that I am meeting the elders at midnight. 

Midnight came and I peepeed outside the window to see if they were really at the roundavel and the minutes I peepeed outside, I locked us with my mother in law. She was right at my window and she called me by hand. 

She honestly gave me a freight of my life but I braved up and walked outside. When I got to the door she pointed at my shoes so I take them off. I took them off and entered. The only face I could recognize was that of my mother in law. 

Everyone else was new to me. It was only old people and they did not have clothes on. They were facing down as if they were hiding their faces. I was signed to take off my clothes as everyone else were not dressed. 

I was confused and scared but I did as I was told. There was fire in the room which everyone was sitting around with their face down and on their knees. They spoke in turns but not looking anywhere but down. They also spoke very slowly as if they were reading from somewhere. 

They were freaking me out, I felt tears filling my eyes and one of them spoke in a deep voice. I was told to not cry or I will suffer, I was ordered to dry my tears immediately. Then they all spoke at once "whatever happens here remains here" then a drum started playing from a distant. 

It was getting close and closer, I was told to look down and not close my eyes. I did as I was told and my heart was racing very fast. They all stood up at once as the drum got closer, after a while they sat back down and said we welcome you our queen. 

The room temperature was now different, the vision too was different, I couldn't see well everything was now blurry as if my eyes was filled with tears. I was ordered to stand up. When I stood up it felt like I was standing in water. My body was heavy on me. 

One elder stood up, went outside and came back with a black chicken. They slaughtered it in my presence and they poured its bl**d in a cup. They then threw it in a bathing dish full of water and what looked like dry leaves. 

I was ordered to get in the bath, I wanted to run and scream so much but it was like something was holding me back. I started crying silently. I went into the bath and they poured black ashes all over me. Two elders got up and started bathing me. 

They were speaking a language I couldn't understand while bathing me. They used the chicken to hit me on the head 5 times and suddenly I was calm and no longer scared. 

They used eggs as well in the water. When I was done I was given the chicken bl**d to drink. I drank and they all stood up and started dancing. The drum started playing and it was getting less louder until it dissappeared. 

I was then ordered to go back to my room as I was. Next thing I woke up was morning. I had a black cross on my forehead and at the back of my hands and under my feet. If it wasn't for those I'd think it was all a dream. 

I went outside and mamazala acted as if nothing happened and she was a lot happier that morning. She didn't even want me doing my koti duties. She kept saying my husband is ready to come home.

I was happy to hear that because I've been waiting to meet him. She said he was coming back on the 13th day. It was far but I was patient, I kept counting down the days. On no the 13th day I was told to sleep undressed and make sure all mirrors are covered and that all lights are off. 

That made me uncomfortable but It was like something was forcing me to be obedient. Whatever they said goes. He was said to arrive late at night. 

I slept very excited, I waited for him. I checked the time and it was around 3am and I could feel myself slowly slipping into sleep. It was like I had taken sleeping tablets.

I heard him open the door but I couldn't open my eyes. I had him sit on the bed beside me and I felt him touch me. My body communicated well with him but I could hardly open my eyes.

One thing led to another and it was amazing. He then whispered that he loved me and he will take care of me. I then dozed off. In the morning when I woke up he was not there. I looked around the room and it didn't even look like he was ever there. 

But I had a memory of him last night and how everything happened. I went outside hoping to find him there. I asked his mom if he ever came back and she said yes he is back he just went to greet his relatives. 

I was so happy to hear that he is back. I was looking forward to seeing him back plus last night was too dark I couldn't see him. It was getting dark and I was told that he will soon be home. I was told to dish up for him and put the food in our bedroom. 

I did as I was told. I stayed in bed waiting for him. And again I heard him when he opened the door, I heard him when he ate his food. I felt him when he touched me. And everything was again amazing, we were intimate and it was more amazing than the previous night. 

In the morning he was gone again. The food was eaten too. His mom said he had gone to town and this time I was sad because it felt like he was avoiding me. I was also starting to get worried. 

My story is very long but to cut it short, I am today old and I have never seen the man I married and gotten intimate with everytime he got his off days. 

I've fallen pregnant 12 times and got miscarriages. If the clinic never confirmed my pregnancies I'd believe that he never existed. I have no children to this day.