

How i am pregnant with a tokoloshi

 Mamazala I'd like to find out if anyone has ever experienced what I did.

A while back, like 5 years ago I left my marital married because of everything that I went through with my mother in law. I hope this is a safe place to share my story mamazala wam. 

So mamazala, I had been married for over 15 years with a very huge struggle of conceiving. We tried so hard for a baby but nothing happened.

There is no Dr I hadn't been to, no prophet I hadn't seen and I even went against my believe and consulted with a Sangoma. I was that desperate. 

My husband ended up impregnating some lady whom they invited to come live with me. I was being forced to live with this woman while she was pregnant and I was told to move out of my room so that she can have the room. 

We didn't have a place of our own we lived at mamazalas house. My husband was asked not to move out of his mother's house because he was the only boy child. He was asked to stay incase his sisters get married. 

He had three sisters and only one got married and moved out. The other two left, the other was at home full time after failed vat n sit and the other younger one was busy building a house for herself so she was to move out any day. 

The younger one was a good person who didn't talk a lot. She would sometimes even stand up for me when mamazala and her other daughter were treating me unfair. 

I moved to a smaller room as I was ordered but luckily my husband was for me by God. He moved in with me and he would avoid any kind of contact with the lady in my absence. 

He would always invite me to all their conversations about the baby. He apologized for making her pregnant and he promised me that it was never a relationship, it was a drunk mistake. 

I loved my husband very much and I knew his heart so I forgave him. His pregnant mistress was ordering me around, as a peaceful person I took care of her needs and wants.

She was a very ill mannered and demanding person. Mamazala loved her so much and they gossiped and mocked me a lot. I was mocked like I had feelings of steel. But I always kept my composure. 

She finaly gave birth and dissappeared. We took her to the hospital and when we went to see the child we were then told she left. We bumped into the woman who shared a ward with her on our way out and she told us she gave birth to a Pakistan baby. 

I should've been rejoicing but my heart broke for my husband. He really wanted a baby and he got played. Mamazala started accusing me of chasing the girl away and using muti to make the baby appear Pakistan. I just remained quite and calm. 

One day while I was sleeping, I heard a screech on my window. I could also hear drums playing outside but they were playing from a far distant. The screech on my window was getting aggressive


My husband was sleeping peacefully so I decided not to wake him up before I knew what was happening. I decided to look out the window. I locked eyes with my mamazala. She wasn't dressed and there was a group of people at the back playing drums.

The drums sound like they are from far but they were actualy in the yard. After a couple of minutes there was a huge banging sound and the night turned into day and back to night in a split second. I don't even know how to explain what happened. 

Next thing everyone was gone. I remember waking my husband up trying to explain what just happened but he just said it was bad dream. The next morning mamazala had this smirk on her face everytime she saw me.

She said to me, you fell pregnant last night. How? I asked myself,when my husband didn't even touch me last night. After a few days I got very strong cramps in the middle of the night by morning they were gone.

I had the cramps every morning for about two weeks until I decided to go to the clinic. I was then told that I was pregnant. My husband and I were overjoyed we were so happy. 

When we told my mamazala, she just burst out in laughter. We then decided to let her be since she'll soon see that we were serious when the belly starts showing. 

I could hear her loud laugh every night. Two months into the pregnancy then strange things started happening. I started having the most scariest and weirdest cravings. 

I would crave for blood, uncooked meat and black chickens even rats. When the cravings would begin and I would ignore it then there would be very painful kicks in my tummy. At night the cravings were uncontrollable. 

The funny thing is each time I am craving for blood, I'd get out of bed and walked straight outside to the corner of the yard and I'd find a jug full of blood and I'd drink it all then went back to sleep. 

The next week I'd crave for a live black chicken and I would find it in the yard, I'd chase it and eat it as it is. In the middle of the night. 

Everytime this cravings would begin I'd start feeling super hot and undress then head outside to feed my cravings. I went to a scan at 5months and the Doctor couldn't find anything.

But when I got home I could still feel the kicks and movements and I still had cravings. I refused to believe that there was nothing. I went to three other Dr's and they were surprised at how pregnant I looked yet the scan couldn't pick up anything. 

I continued believing that I was pregnant, at this point my husband was losing hope and I told him not to, because we will have our baby. 

9 months passed and nothing was happening. A year later and I was still pregnant. As I am writing this I am still pregnant and my Tummy keeps growing.

Now at night I hear funny sounds coming from my tummy. Sounds like a baby crying then sometimes it's a cat. I still feed my cravings with all those weird things I eat only at night.

I have been to Many places seeking help even Maputo but nothing has helped.