

My neighbor has animals

The story I'm about to share is about two very brutal families in our village. 

Their children might be in this group and I could get into real trouble if they are aware of what their dads are capable of. 

I come from a Very big village and in the  village there is two very rich families. Apparently they two rich families belongs to two siblings. 

At first we even thought they were twins because they look like they are the same age and they look so much alike. They were not even born in our village like the rest of us. Apparently they bought their large stands from our village leaders. 

Those two families are the Indians of our village. They are not Indians they are black but they own shops, residential places and many other business rentals. They own super markets and someone once even said that they own a college in town. 

Apparently they used to do heists in their past life and that is how they funded their expensive and lucrative lifestyles but I don't don't know if there is any truth to this.

They even own the only petrol station that is just a few miles outside our village. The garage also has a galitos franchise which also belongs to them. They have business all over the villages. 

I am mentioning this so that I can draw a picture of how wealthy these families are and how they can make money seem like peanuts. I am a high school drop out and because of that I ended up stealing for a living. 

These days it is very hard to find a job when you did not study further or without Matric. We usually steal from town not in our village. Until things started being bad I town and we were no longer making any money from our stealing gigs. 

We then decided to steal from the rich men in our village. There is 6 of us in the group so we strategised very well and we chose which house we are stealing from first. 

After a week of planning we went to the first house and we managed to break the gate open. We entered and we went to the window and we were able to open it and cut open the burglar. 

We entered the house and it is a very beautiful house inside out. We took as many appliances as possible and we got outside the house heading to our getaway car. The minute we got outside the house we realized we were surrounded by animals. 

Dangerous animals. Lions, tigers, very big snakes and crocodiles, cheetahs you name them. We ran back to the house and when we peeped outside from the house we couldn't see them. 

We then tried to leave the house and boom they were back and ready to acctack this time. We started screaming and making a lit of noise until the owner of the house and his wife woke up.

We expected them to be scared aswell but they were so chilled. They were not even angry. The man just ordered us to put back the appliances exactly where we found them and clean our mess. 

When we were done he calmly told us to leave his yard and never to return or we would die a very cruel death. When we got outside the house he was standing by the gate feeding the animals some bloody things which looked like human parts.

All this was happening at 3am. We have since ran away and apparently even in their shops if you try to steal, whatever you steal turns into a snake.

One of my friend who isn't a thief says he was once very stranded so he went to one of their shops and stole a pack of cigarettes and once he got home he took out the pack because he wanted to smoke badly and he found worms in the box. The cigarette box was a box full of worms. 

I just wanted to share my story please don't judge me for my choice of career. The world is very tough and my family depend on me.

My girlfriend stole a pack of spaghetti from the supermarket and she found very tiny snakes when she took them out. My question is are these people witches or they are just protecting their assets?

I once heard that you can shoot them today and they will fall down and bleed and you will run away thinking you've killed them but you'll see them the next day. They will make sure they pass by you and wink. Once they wink you will lose someone very dear to you.