

Sacrificed by my stepmother

I have been used as a money ritual sacrifice for almost 5 years now by my husband. I had a very sad upbringing where by my mom died when I was very young.

My dad then married my stepmother, my stepmother became a very cruel woman when my father died. She showed me her true colors and I was stranded and desperate to finish my studies.

She refused to continue with my fees, but her daughter (my step sister) and my half, sister who's also her daughter with my dad kept failing and she didn't mind paying endless fees.

She would always tell me to get a man who will marry me so I can stop behaving like she owes me a bright future. When my dad's money was running out, she set me up. 

I don't know why I didnt see it coming but she sent a man to use me as a sacrifice for her riches. I met a man who clearly knew so much about me. I was a church goer and so the man told me that he was sent by God to make me his wife. 

He came to our church that day and when we left he drove past me then made ai turn and approached me. He offered me a lift but I refused then he mentioned my parents names and said he was sent by them to rescue me.

I was shocked and he pretended like he didn't know what he just said. He made me believe that he was led by the spirit of God. He unpacked my whole life for me and I found myself in tears. I agreed to catch a lift with me and so he became my every Sunday lift from and to church for months. 

This guy would call me when I'm about to eat dinner and after the call he would say enjoy the rice and chicken liver dinner. Not just that he would literally call me before I even sat my foot outside and say that green dress looks very good on you.

Sometimes he would tell me conversation we would have in the house with my stepmother and sisters. He would always say that I am the chosen one hence the lord is showing him everything.

We started dating and he suggested that we wait for our first time when married. In less than six months of knowing him we got married. I then moved in with him, he started acting weird. You could tell that he was forced into this marriage, there was no affection nor passion.

We had a pattern of how we do things. In a month he would want to get intimate with me twice only. Other times he would get very irritated when I would initiate it. I always had to wait for when he feels like it. 

What was weird about it was that I couldn't at all recall anything about the times we would be intimate. I would just wake up the next day and feel it down there that something did go inside. 

He would be all happy telling me how great I was and I would just play along even though I couldn't recall anything. After a year or so of this happening I then realised that he always offer me a drink each time before the deed and its always grape juice that tastes funny.

I decided to pretend to drink the juice that night but I spilt it down the drain and he kept on checking on me as if I've fallen asleep. I decided to finaly pretend as though I was sleeping. 

He then carried me to bed and next thing I know I could see 3 women in the room all undressed and two men in red ropes. They were all carrying sticks. The sticks had snake heads but they were wood not live snakes.

I saw my stepmother there aswell, she was a part of the three women. They surrounded the bed that I was sleeping on and there were candles. I was so scared I must have fainted because in the morning when I woke up I woke up to the same pattern of my husband pretending that we had a great night. 

I waited for him to leave the house and I left and never returned. They don't know where I am even today but what I heard was that my stepmother is now mentally ill and looking for me. 

I want to go visit her but I am scared, a part of me wants an explanation but is it safe to go? They reported me missing but I contacted the police and told them that I am safe and my life might be in danger with them. I asked them to stop the search.

I don't think they have stopped the search though. What do you think I should do? Should I go hear what my stepmother wants?