

How tomato is used for witchcraft ritual

I have had my huge slice of witchcraft. I used a tomato to kill my parents and my little sister. To this day I no longer eat a tomato and to say I hate it is an understatement. 

I had this rich cousin who was living his nest life. He lost both his parents and three siblings in a space of 12 months. He then got very rich and convinced everyone including no myself that his parents left him a lot of money.

It didn't really make sense to a lot of people because his parents were unemployed and they were really struggling to make ends meet. Their funerals also were stressful as they did not have any funeral covers. 

But I chose to believe him. A lot of family members didn't like him anymore but I chose to overlook all that and ignore the rumour that he had a hand in his family deaths. 

He was a quite, humble and very respectful guy so it didn't make sense that he could be accused of such. He knew about the rumors and he assured me that the rumors are spread by people who are bitter because his parents left them nothing. 

It made more sense because our relatives biggest concern was always about his money so I had no reason not to believe that they were just jealous. Him and I grew closer as I became his only relative that cared about him. 

He was a very big spender and he honestly spoiled me a lot. I was slowly becoming one of the cool guys in my hood. After a year I realised that he was running low on cash.

He was spending carefully and went out a lot less, he even had just one girlfriend to minimize costs. After a couple of weeks he told me that it's been months since he's been dreaming of someone in my family dying.

He said he can't see who it is exactly but he's certain that the funeral is at my house. He said he had the same dreams when his entire family died but never did anything about it because he didn't think much about it.

He claimed to having the dream every week, he told me that he's only telling me so that when it happens he doesn't feel like it's on him. I started getting worried after weeks and asked him if he knows how it can be prevented. He said that the first step of preventing it is not telling anyone about it. 

He said I should bring my parents and sibling's clothing that's been worn and he will take me to someone who can prevent the dream from coming to reality. I did not waste time I got my mom's dorm, my dad's shirt and my little sister's sweater from the laundry basket the next day.

We teavelled to a river, a very big and very clean river. I asked where the person was and he said we must get into the river and the person who will help us will appear. 

At this point I was scared and he burst into laughter and he said he was joking we don't have to go into the river. We must just wash the clothes in the river and then pray. What a relief, he took the clothes and washed them and he alone prayed.

We left. When we got into the car I was shocked to find a black plastic on the car. It wasn't there when we left, I was scared but he said relax our prayer has been answered. Grab the plastic and let me give you instructions. 

Inside the plastic was a three red candles, three red clothes, three ripe tomatos and three needles. He said if they ever left the house with the car all together then I should put the cloths where they sleep. I should nicely put it on everyone's side of the bed.

Take the three candles and light them. Wait for 30 minutes then stab each needles on each tomato while calling their names. Then leave the candles to burn out as soon as its burnt out remove everything and throw it very far away.

He said I should call him first before I do the ritual so that he will be praying on the other side. In a month's time my family said they were going to town for groceries and I called my cousin. 

I did as instructed. Before the candles even burnt out, I got a call that my family got an accident and there were no survival. I called my cousin and he came over as quick as he could. It was like he was waiting for the call at the corner.

The first thing he did was pack away the tomatos, cloths and burned out candle wax and hid them in his car. He begged me not to tell anyone. He then promised me that he will take care of me including the funeral. I asked him how because he had no money these days. He said he had invested some money and he was just waiting for it to mature. 

I was happy to have a cousin like him and the support he gave me. Three months later I learned about the ritual and realised that it was meant to kill my family. The tomatos being stabbed with a needle was to make sure that they all died after the accident. I wasn't stabbing tomatoes, I was stabbing my flesh and blood to death. 

I was furious, I called to confront him and he denied. But he blocked my number everywhere and he has been ignoring me ever since. He even relocated. That alone confirmed how evil he is and it confirms that he really used me to get back to his money wealth. 

I have suicidal thoughts because I dont deserve to live.