


Please hide my identity.  My mother inlaw has no facebook but i need help on how to approach her for the death of my husband. I loved my husband so much but he was no good to me at all. He loved me the first year into our marriage and everything changed when we i had my first child.

He started body shaming me and telling me how much i am fast ageing and how i now look way older than him. I was very hurt and started looking down on myself. He then started sleeping out and answering calls with girls right infront of me.

When we went shopping he would wink at girls and ask for their number right infront of me, he always referred to me as his sister, he called me suster whether we are alone or around people i was just suster to him.

One day i saw an a video about fighting for your marriage and saving it. I did everything that was there and i watched. In the video i needed to take a pad and use my menstrual bl00d and write his name on it and then sprinkle vinegar over it and then sprinkle some cinnamon then put a paper on the mixture then use my blood to right my name on the piece of paper. Take his sp€rm and rub over it. 

Then nicely fold the pad as it it's never been used and tie a red wool around it then put it in my underwear drawer. I wasn't sure it was going to work i was just hopeful that it works as i was desperate to save my marriage.

It worked, he started slowly appreciating me, he went back to buying me gifts and showering me with love and attention. I was happy again, i started taking care of my self and just being happily married. He went back to respecting me the way he used to and calling me all the sweet names.

My husband was back to the man i fell inlove with and married. But i didn't know that my happiness would be short lived. I didn't bother finding out what the consequences were or even try to see reviews on the video. 

I only found out when my husband's manhood started growing bigger and bigger until he eventualy couldn't walk. It was then that i learned that should he che@t on me and sleep with any other woman besides me then his manhood would get swallon until he pass on.

He eventualy passed on and when the family went to consult everything pointed at me. I could not agree or admit to that so i denied and cried as if i was innocent. My mother inlaw believed me and sided with me so her children accepted their mother's decision to side with me and they also sided with me.

But now i am having trouble moving on. I see my husband in my dream almost every night holding his manhood in his hand giving it to me. In the dream it has been cut and it is bleeding heavily.

His tears are also bloody and he keeps forcing me to eat his manhood. The dream feels so real that everytime i open my eyes i see my bedroom door closing and i can smell his perfume as if he was in the bedroom. I then decided to consult and i was told that he wants me to be honest with his mother and also apologise.

More than anything he wants me to give his mother everything he has left for me. Even his policy money. I am so scared of approaching my mother inlaw. If there is anyway anyone can help me with making my husband's spirit stop torturing me , please help me.