


 Hi please hide my identity, i know for a fact that this is a safe place to open up our darkest confessions without being revealed. I just needed to share this just to feel a little better about using innocent young men.

I am a politician and at first when i joined the politician booth, everyone was excelling beyond measure and there was a lot of corruption involved but the end of justice were always defeated. 

I am talking about obvious corruptions that could easily lead one into big trouble but the case would just get thrown out as if it's no biggie. I then decided to pay more attention so that i can become like them.

One of the wealthy politician saw how enthusiastic i was and he decided to rope me in but i needed to swear that no one would ever find out. We visited a sangoma together who used muti and other traditional things.

They explained to me that the ritual we were perfoming there would make me attractive to men both straight ans gay men. I was told that i needed to sleep with them to purify myself amd also to steal their lucks and leave any bad luck or misfortunes with them.

I was told that by sl€€ping with the same gender i would be removing all curses or bad luck. At first i was confused then mu colleague told me to relax he will show me around the loops. I was more shocked at the fact that i could have never suspected that a man of his stature could be looking at men in any weird way.

He is a well respected man who doesn't want anything to do with gay men in public. I was shocked to learn that he actualy sl€€ps with them in private. At first i was disgusted by all this and wanted nothing to do with it. But the muti was already working.  

Different men were looking at me in a seductive way everywhere i went. Some would even inbox me offering themselves to me. The more i fought it the more things went south for me. I eventually gave up and tried it out. It was really hard for me to do at first but i eventualy got a hang of it.

To my suprise everything started running smoothly for me. Everyone that didn't like me started liking me, my marriage also got stronger. Everything i ever wanted was easy to get and i got away with everything.

I somehow became addicted to it, i no longer wanted some loving with my wife but i still loved her very much. The real trouble began when i realised that even men within my family were acting funny towards me.

That made me uncomfortable but i would end up sl€€ping with them anyway. I am even sl€€ping with my own siblings, my brothers who are married. I don't want to but we can't seem to control it.

I've slept with my male neighbours, my wife's family members and more. The most painful thing about this is that they lose everything after our private sessions and now they are all financially dependent on me. I am tired of this life but my associates are threatening to sl€€p with my sons should i pull out. 

Not only am i scared for my life but the lives of my sons too. I've went back to the sangoma alone and he refused to set me free no matter how much money i offered. He says if i ever go back to him then he will send the spirit of r@pe to me and destroy me.

The good part of this kind of ritual is that everyone likes you and you are treated with so much patience and kindness. But the downside of it is how you turn into a s** slave for all men around you.

My biggest fear is my wife and kids finding out about my after 9 lifestyle. I am even scared to open up to her because who would believe that there are such rituals? I would never believe in such if it never happened to me. 

I am still making money and doing very well financially but I am not enjoying it because I use most of it to feed my fetish of $leeping with other men. I have to compensate them and financially take care of them because I am the reason for their sufferings.

If I don't share the money with them then I wake up in the morning with a very sore @nus. That is the spirit of gay lord r@ping me because I am not doing what I was supposed to do. The same as if I fight the urge to $leep with a man then I wake up in the morning r@ped by the spirit.

Whoever said money is not happiness knew exactly what they were talking about.i have money but I am miserable. Please keep my name hidden I am risking my life by sharing this.