


 Please keep me unknown.

After struggling for many years i was so excited when i bumped into a man in a red rope. The man gave me my family history and told me everything i was going through at that time. It was nothing short of a true prophesy. 

I lived in a new town where i had recently moved to because i had seen a business gap and i was more than ready to close the gap. A few months in the town was when i met the man in red. He was so sincere and real so much that i felt like God and my ancestors placed me to the new place so that they can make me meet my helper. 

The man in red made my life so exciting, especially because the business i had went to embark on was failing. He was my last hope so i believed everything he told me. He told me that my dad and uncles were ready to give me the wealth they have been waiting for me to locate for so long and i have not been hearing them.

I even called my mother to share the amazing news and like every other mother with strong intuition she asked me to be extremely careful and BECAREFUL of scams. It was at that very point that i knew my mom was worried about nothing because the man was helping me for free.

The man in red new everything about my ancestors even their names and i had never told him about them so i had every reason to believe that indeed my dad and uncles were speaking to me through this man.

He then asked me to go home(my hometown) and bring him soil from my dad and uncle's graveyards. I should mix the soil with soil from my home yard. Then before sleeping that day i must use a black chicken and mix the soil with maize meal not too much maize i should leave some of the maize unmixed.

The mixed portion i should feed it to the chicken then the next morning at 2am i should go outside and n@ked and slaughter the chicken. Cut myself anywhere im comfortable, mix the chicken blood with my own blood in a cup then drink the blood.

Before drinking it i must call upon my dad and uncles. I must use some of the blood and mix it with the remaining soil from the graveyard and just rub it all over my n@ked body and call upon their names and tell them that i am inviting them in my life again and i expect nothing less than presence to open ways for me and lead the way. 

Something in me kept telling me that what i was doing was creepy but i was desperate for success and i trusted the man in red because he read my life like a book. The next dat,It was very cold that morning and there was a huge rain and lots of thunders. 

With each thunder i saw my late dad and uncles in the house. I was so scared and so was the rest of my families. My mom and siblings and grandmother. They kept on telling me that the ritual i performed was pure witchcraft. But i told them that it is the beginning of our wealth.

I was very scared but i kept calm and collected because i didn't want to scare anyone. Since that day i have never been able to get a hold of the man in red. My life has been a nightmare since i perfomed the ritual. 

We now live with zombies that prey on us for se*ual pleasures. The zombies s£€€ps with all of us including the little ones and my granny. Gender in all of this does not even matter. Our lives has since been covered with a very dark shade. 

I watch my mom and grandmother slowly fading away with pain in their eyes and i sometimes wish i could end my life for bringing so much pain into my family and still no wealth. We are suffering a lot more now and the zombies are tormenting us.

I've been to the place where i met the man in red and no one seems to know him and I'm even questioning myself of his existence. I have consulted sangomas and attended churches and i am told the same thing. I am told that i have evil powers and my life carries evil weight.

I don't know what to do anymore or where to go because i am not getting saved no matter how many times I've been helped. I don't even trust anyone anymore.