


 Please hide my identity 

I am begging and pleading for none judgements but help only. I am a 22 year old lady seeking help for her 29 year old sister. My sister made a big mistake and we have begged the wife for forgiveness but she refuses to reverse the curse. 

My sister met and dated a married man two years ago. She was aware that he is a married man but her feelings were very deep for this man so she ended up giving in. They dated and even had a child who unfortunately passed away right after birth.

The wife then called my sister and told her that she will never have her husband's children. We don't know how the wife even got my sister's number but we tried telling her to break up with the man but she refused as she was already deep inlove with the man.

The man even introduced my sister to his family and he was ready to make her his second wife. We are convinced that the wife is responsible because she called my sister again and told her that since she wont listen she will not ki££ her but will definitely make her life a living hell filled with embarrassment.

A few days after that my sister started making embarassing s€x sounds in her sleep. In the morning we were even scared and embarassed to mention it. My father couldn't even look us in the eyes but we could see that my sister wasn't even aware of what she did.

I sleep with my sister so i imagined that everyone in the house just weren't sure who was making such loud noises at night. Because by the time my mom rushed to our room i had already woken my sister up and she was sweating.

This has been happening since then and it has become an everyday thing even the neighbours can hear it. You can see just by how they look at us that we are doing something unusual and uncomfortable for them. We are guessing that they suspect it's our parents making such noise.

There was a time my parents decided to take my sister to church and she fell asleep and next thing while the pastor was praying she started making those sounds. She literally makes those sounds wherever she falls asleep it doesn't matter who is around. 

Even when we are sometimes watching tv and she dozes off on the couch then those sounds follows. She also has this uncontrollable sleep that just happens out of the blue. I have recorded her and showed her the video because when i told her she wouldn't believe me.

This embarasses her a lot and she has begged the wife for forgiveness but she just laughs at her and even worse my parents have also begged her and she insulted them telling them that they are the ones sending my sister to wreck people's homes.

She is no longer dating the man but it hasn't helped her. The sounds are so embarrassing that people no longer associate themselves with us anymore. They are embarrassed to be seen with us to say the very least. We have been to different sangomas but nothing has worked. 

My three year old daughter even imitates my sister. She makes the sounds while playing and parents no longer allow their kids to play with her. Even the creche that she goes to has banned her because of the s€x sounds.