


 A South African woman transferred her dead son spirit to my son

I am a Zimbabwean woman based in South Africa I usually clean for people in exchange for second-hand clothes. 

I usually go to their house is the date that dust bins are collected that way it is easy to see somebody from their high walls. 

If you go the day that there are no trash being picked up then you will not see anybody. So one day while I was digging in the trash, a woman approached me and asked if I had a son who is about 4 or 3 years old. I said yes I have a 2 year old son she said okay I have clothes for your son but she did not tell me that her son had passed away.

 In my culture when somebody passes away before you wear their clothes you do a ritual to get rid of their spirits so that he don't bother you wanting it's clothes.

I was happy to get the clothes she didn't even want me to help her with anything in her house I felt bad because they're closed looked so good they were in very good condition for someone to use again. But in my head I just thought she's a good woman with a good heart so I accepted the clothes and I left. I could not wait to get home to my son so that he was the new clothes from the woman.

When I got home the first thing I did was give my son a bath because when I leave I leave him with the neighbours and I find him very dirty. The clothes were very nice I shared them with my other sister because she also has a six-year-old son so the clothes were bigger on my son and they were small on his son but at least it was better than nothing.

Our sons would have clothes on their back so we were not worried about size normally when coming to size we don't choose and we don't even worry we just accept and be happy. So my sister said the clothes were very very small on her son she's gonna keep it for her other son who's just 5 months old she said at 1 the sun will start wearing the clothes. I did not have a problem with that we shared the clothes and my son wore his clothes. But since that day I started noticing a change of behaviour on my son he has been acting very weird and not normal.

Especially at night one day when we were sleeping I got up to my son moving funny on the bed and when I touched him you was very very cold so I thought maybe it's because it's cold outside I put an extra blanket on him and I went to bed I slept again myself. And then I had my son move again it was like he's jumping in his sleep while lying flat on his back so I got up when I got up at to look at him I realised that he had marked on his hands and feet even his mouth.

 This bothered me because before he slept I passed them and I put on the pyjamas I got from the woman and he hasn't been outside since. In the morning I asked him where were you last night he said he doesn't know I asked him did you sleep at night he said yes I said where did you get the mad he said he did not know but while talking to him I realise that my son was very tired, he even looked sleepy. He looked like someone who has not slept in so long he looked like somebody who was up all night yet he was right beside me sleeping.

I made him food and he refused and asked to sleep that's when I knew that something was so wrong. in the morning my son is very busy he doesn't even want to sleep and he will wake you up very early in the morning asking for food. I started worrying and I started concentrating more on his movements. I paid more attention to him and how he has been living since he got the clothes something in me encouraged me to consult. I consulted and I as I suspected the clothes belong to a son that passed away.

The song owner told me that the owner of the clothes purchase my son every night to the graveyards. This makes sense because my son has had mud on his feet hands and his mouth. I asked the sangoma if he knows what they do at the gravesite.

He said he doesn't think they are doing anything out of the ordinary it looks like they are just playing but if I don't stop it then my son will start doing things that zombies do he will also eventually become one. This trust me so much how can that lovely lady do this to me and my son. But I also wondered if ever she knew that the clothes needed cleansing or she just gave them to me like that's just so her son can have a friend in my son.

I then decided that the next time I go back to side I will look for her at her house and tell her what has happened to my son.

Then they just they came and I went to her house and stood at the gate and called her name so many times until she eventually came out she said her name was sister celia I don't know if it's her real name I told her this and that has been happened to my son apparently my son is playing with your son at the graveside. She got so angry saying that I must let her son rest in peace and stop making lies about her son.

She called me I'm grateful and a week she's saying I am a witch and I am always going to be poor. I was surprised because that's nice lady is now turned into something I do not understand I just walked away quietly so and decided that it's fine.

I will just help my son and forget about what has happened but I also remember to tell my sister to not use the clothes on her son's which was a good thing only one son got hurt from the clothes.

The the traditional healer has cleansed my son and at least now she wakes up as he slept. I have spent all the clothes so that no one ever uses them. But my son is not the same anymore.

Most times he looks it if he's not scared then he's talking to himself. But the t traditional healer it is nothing to worry about the worst is over and as time goes by my son surely will go back to himself for now he is just traumatised from his experience.

I have tried speaking to my son about his experience a lot of times hoping that he will tell me what has happened or what was happening but he does not speak. His eyes just gets full of tears and I just tell my stuff to stop because I don't want to cause you any problems. I only said this so that people that get clothes especially second-hand clothes for other people before using them.

 NOW I use salt I use salt water to wash them and when they get dry I still put them in a dish and pour salt on them as dry as they are and leave them for at least 7 days every night I pray for their clothes so that whatever spirit that's on the clothes may never enter the person that's going to wear the clothes.

With the kind of experience I had if it was somebody who has burning I was never going to get second-hand clothes for anyone not for my kids or myself or my sister and her kids I would just buy new clothes but I don't have money and I need that place so I just learnt them first before using them.