



My stepmom taught me everything there is to know about whichcraft. People thought that I was initiated to be a sangoma but the truth is all I learned was witchcraft.

My stepmom loved me wholeheartedly,she has never treated me bad or even made me feel like I was not her child.i always felt loved and appreciated by her. She truly treated me like her own child even after my dad passed away 

I used to miss my mother so much that it bothered my stepmom. One day she told me that she can take me to where both my parents were but I needed to be ready physically and emotionally so she will have to do a ritual for me in order to be ready.

I agreed because I trusted her with my life. That month I was told not to eat meat nor anythin with salt. I was told to eat once a day and I must make sure that it is a very big portion enough to keep me full the whole day.

But at night while I was sleeping I would dream eating all kinds of yummy food. In the morning when I woke up I'd find bl00d and feathers on my bed and my hands and lips.

I screamed the first time I saw those and she told me not to be scared because those are the food I needed to have enough strength to visit my parents in the other world.  So it wasn't just a dream I was fed food and bathed with bl00d and poop so that I am safe.

A month later she took me to meet my parents. The weird thing is I could only speak to them through a mirror. But they however I didn't feel like it was truly them. It was as if I was speaking to a clone of them.

I was scared to ask questions of doubts because I didn't want to upset my step mother. The mirror was at the top of a very large mountain and next to it was a river. I was told to bath in the river and I did. While in there I felt a very large snake crossing over me and I for a few minutes couldn't move or even do anything until it passed.

When I got out of the water,my stepmother told me to run home and not talk to anyone until I get home and I should look myself on the mirror and open my mouth wide and whatever I see I shouldn't be scared.

When I got home I did as told and my tongue had changed into that of a snake. Then my stepmom said you are now EVE. I have found a daughter in you hence I have given you the gift of wealth. With that tongue you will speak wealth into your life.

The next day my stepmother died. Since that day I have been attracting rich men only and once I sleep with them they then become mentally ill and I gain all their luck. But the downside of it all is that just like my stepmom I will never have a child of my own.

And I am expected to find a man who is financially struggling and has a daughter then pass on this gift to my step daughter. Do not listen to people when they tell you that ukuthwala is not scary or that it is fun.

There are so many consequences to it and you never fully enjoy the money as it has an expiry date so you need to spend it as quick as you can to allow the snake to keep giving you more. 

I will never live my dream of having my own children nor having my successful career and just being a hard working independent woman because I am now married to a snake that is also my provider. I was forced into a life I've never asked for and there is no way out once you are in.

Sometimes trusting someone a little too much can hurt you really badly.