




Hi admin and fellow group members oh and please don't judge my English I'm Zulu

So there was this neighbour of ours she used to come wake us up and tell us she came for tea .

my mom is known for not taking nonsense but when it got to that aunty she did absolutely nothing to stop her.

My mom had a dream of her with only a blue towel wrapped around her  forcing my mom to open her mouth so she can feed her muthi 

The following morning we saw footprints coming from her house to my mom's bedroom window and to our surprise she was doing laundry with the very same blue towel wrapped around her  and  she was so moody.

She was the kind of neighbor that talks with you today and tomorrow starts acting up 

But we realized after a very long time  that she was doing things  to our home but it just didn't go her way that's why she came almost every morning and ask for tea to see if the things she does at night has started working in our home.


So as her things didn't work like she expected em to work   she convinced my mom to go with her to a sangoma  and they pretended like they never met before  only to find that this sangona has been the one giving this woman muthi to block progress in our home.

So when they got there they were claiming to help her but only to find that  they were giving my mom isinyama  cause they used a black chicken to "cleanse" her  and  he then gave my mom intambo to put on her waist .

Kanti luckily My mom's sister was gonna come for a visit  she is a prophet  so her timing was always perfect she would see that something  bad is gonna happen and she would come and stop it before it does really happen.

The minute she stepped inside the house she saw my mom and jumped to her roughly taking out intambo that was on her waist and she told her that she has isinyama and intambo that was on her waist was there to make her weak and  to stop her from seeing things in her sleep.

So my mom was cleansed properly this time  and the Neighbor started acting up again and stopped her kids from playing with us cause my mom is a witch.

She called police for my mom cause the tree  leafs were falling and littering her pavement 

But  the police just told  both my mom and her to fix their issues because there was more to their story.

Okay  my Aunt just laughed in disbelief she liked laughing  when things gets heated.

So she told my mom that she saw a lightening attacking our home  so Our late grandma sent her to come protect us

So she gonna send it back to where it came from. 

She then did her things  and went back to  her Home.

Few days later there was a big rain  with thunders  the electricity went off

Then sabona ukuth aii no isukile we all smuggled into the same couch me, my brother,  my mom and  my dad yooh  it was so scary as  it was dark and the only light we got was from the lightening

As we were sitting there all scared we heard a very loud knock on the door as my dad got up to open the door boom the neighbors older daughter falls on our doorstep my mom got up  to see what's happening she couldn't talk they both lifted her up and placed her on the  bed she then told my mom that she was striked by a lightening 

After that the rain and the lightening stopped

So  my mom and dad went to the public phones to call this woman and tell her what happened to her child

To my mom's surprise she didn't pay much attention on what my mom just told her about daughter she kept saying yima uThuly loyo Thuly uwena kanjn my mom ended up dropping the call and called the ambulance.

For her to come  and say thank you she went around telling people that my mom is a witch and she striked her daughter by a lightening.

After that incident my aunt came for another visit.

A way to hurt a woman is through her children and that woman did exactly that  she started attacking us

suddenly I felt like a heavy burden was on my shoulders,felt like something was following me everywhere I go 

I was crying over small things just anything would make me cry 

 so one night as I was sleeping I saw a very short hairy creature it had hair everywhere even on its face I couldn't see the eyes all I could see was lots of hair and a long beard and only I could see it because I was still young

I'd be lying if I said it harmed me in anyway cause it was laughing and busy touching me  more like tickling me but I didn't give in instead I cried taking off all my clothes ,I still don't know why I took off my clothes.

My aunt was sleeping on the opposite room with my mom normally those two don't sleep when they're together they catch up until midnight their stories never end.

So as I was screaming my aunt laughed so hard as my mom tried to get up so she could check why I was screaming like that my aunt stopped her and said once you set foot in that room your baby will die 

My mom turned to her sister so you're laughing and my baby is dying and she replied

No I'm laughing because all that's happening will go back to the sender. 

So the next day around 6pm it wasn't that dark because everyone could see what was happening just outside our home near the forest.

Forgot to mention that our neighbor's house is located at the back of our home and after their house it's a  dead end it's more like a forest cause there are lots of trees and the grass is very long

So  my aunt used  white chickens, needles and candles and some other things I don't recal for "ukusicupha" to do back to sender

And we were told not to look back

So we went back home.

On That very first night  Zakhala! Amaboys were now opening their doors breaking windows  beating everyone in the house  but The woman wasn't there as she was a sleep-in helper in Ballito she only came back to see her family when she's off. 

So  her kids had to run away for their lives cause they couldn't sleep at night.

She had to come back  because her boys were now angry and causing  chaos 

I don't know know how she managed to pull through cause her kids were now back home and everything almost went back to normal

But the only thing I didn't understand was that everytime she saw my mom she took of her hat or a doerk and  bowed to her said all the things that didn't make sense like ngyakvuma mfazi ngyakuhlonipha mfazi and when I asked my mom why was she doing all that she'd just say ushawa intozakhe lo

Later on She died ke .she had a chronic disease and she kept saying my mom is bewitching her and didn't take her pills 

May her Cruel soul keep burning in hell!!

*Don't ever go to a sangoma with a friend *