





She used to drink a lot and she would bring different men home every weekend. She was hardly ever home so basically my siblings and I had to take care of ourselves from a very young age. We watched her drink her life away without care.

When I was 13 and my little brothers were 10 and 7 she fell pregnant again. I had become the deputy mother. I had to take care of my siblings and learn how to cook and clean from a very young age.

She then gave birth to a baby girl and she made me drop out of school so that I can take care of the baby. I was 14 and I already knew that sometimes she would dissapear for months and that meant we had to survive somehow.

She didn't mind leaving us alone just to go live with a man. It was when she came back home with an abusive man that I knew I had to run away from home to save myself.

The man moved in with us and every weekend they would go drink and when they came back we had to go find a place of hiding. They would swear at each other until it gets physical. We watched him beat up our mom until she bleed every other weekend. But the next day they would act like nothing ever happened.

We got tired of running to hide everytime they would start fighting so we started just covering our ears with pillows. But it was hard to endure so my younger siblings would just be crying. I used to cry too but I somehow got used to it.

The funny part is that sometimes the man would get so angry that he would literally chase my mom out of her own house and my mom would leave. I found that weird but I had no say.

Maybe it didn't bother her because the next day she always came back unharmed. But being chased at 2am would bother me a lot but it didn't seem to bother my mom.

One day he chased her out of the house and while we were sleeping he came to our room. He covered my mouth so that I wouldn't scream and wake my siblings. He picked me up and took me to their bedroom. When we got there he made me touch his manhood while he was touching my breasts. I was only 15 and very scared. He had a sjambok next to him saying should I scream or tell anyone then he would beat me up and k*ll my mom.

This started happening often. He would make me touch his manhood until he released then told me to go back to sleep. He always reminded me that if I tell anyone then he would k*ll my siblings and mom. One day he took it too far and actually r@ped me. He forced me to take a bath soon after that as painful as it was and this time he had a knife. He kept showing me the knife saying that if I tell anyone then he was going to cut my siblings like bread. He was just my mother's boyfriend he wasn't any of my siblings father so I wondered why my mother was so desperate to keep him in our lives.

Whenever he had money they would hardly by food,they would spend it on alcohol and relief on our grant money for food. My mother used to buy just a 25kg of maize meal, a bag of potatoes, onions and tomatoes and we had to make them last until the next grant.

The rest of the money she would then use it to make her boyfriend happy with alcohol. We never had new clothes nor shoes. We always got old worn out clothes from the community. They community stopped giving us clothes because they were fed up with my mom using money on alcohol instead.

After my mom's boyfriend r@ped me I then decided to run away from home. I didn't tell anyone what happened I just left in the middle of the night. I couldn't take my siblings with me because I didn't know where I was going but I made a promise to myself that one day I would go back for them when I've gotten a job and shelter even if I'd just be renting.

I became a street kid, I managed to get a lift to town and that is where my life changed for the worst. I thought I was just going to get to town and start begging for a job and then start working. I was chased out of every shop I approached. I was told to go away like I was a dog. I was hungry, dirty and didn't smell good plus my torn clothes weren't doing me any justice.

I got food from the dustbin and I would sleep at the taxi rank. It literally became my life. One day an older man approached me and offered me food and also gave me R500. This happened weekly and honestly it made my life easy. After about two months of him coming to the taxi rank at night weekly he then offered to help me find a place to live. He didn't beat around the bush he was straight to the point. He said he will take care of me if I take care of him. He was very old that I didn't think he meant I must take care of him $exualy. I thought maybe he wanted me to do chores for him.

He took me to a very nice furnished apartment and told me that I would be staying there and he would be paying rent. I was so Happy and emotional. He would come see me twice a week and he bought me everything I wanted. He took care of me well and I opened up to him about what home was like.

He then said I should forget about home and start a new life. He then said since I am no longer a virgin then I could repay him by being his woman and he would continue taking care of me. I told him I was very young and I couldn't but I would do anything except that. He then stopped coming to see me for about three weeks and I was running out of food.

I had a phone that he bought for me but no artime and the only number I had was his. I lived in an isolated but very fancy place. There were no passerbys and everyone there was minding their own business. Month end came and he didn't pay my rent then my landlord started calling. I had no choice but to call the old man.

He came and I gave him what he wanted and he continued taking care of me like he would. I think I then started falling for him but he wasn't in it for love. He would dissapear for days but he never failed to send me money. But he would go days without calling or texting.

When I was 20 he then passed away. That is when I learned that he was married. Obviously now I had to find a way to sustain my lifestyle because his wife would never hear me out. I started using my phone to seduce men on dating site and eventually I started meeting up with them and sleeping with them for money.

It became my life, I slept with men for money so I was a private hooker. I just wouldn't stand in the streets selling but we had phone arrangements. Some would come to my place while others preferred hotels and so forth. I had rich clients too whom I'd charge 5K per night.

While on the socials searching for bigger fish I came across a man on OnlyFans who offered to fly me to cape town for a weekend with him after seeing my pictures and videos. He loved  what he saw and paid for my flights and sent me 30K for my services for the weekend.

I flew there and his driver was waiting for me at the airport and took me to his very Fancy apartment. Everything was set for me. I took a long bath and had a hearty meal which his driver brought for me. Literally everything I wanted I would text my client and the driver brought. I had the expensive champagne and I felt literally like a rich girlfriend. 

He then texted me and told me that he had to cancel because something urgent came up. I was so disappointed that I would be spending the weekend alone in that cosy and elagant space but I took the opportunity to create more content for my onlyfan page for more clients.

I drank champagne and played soothing music,I then wore the lingerie I bought just for him and created more content. I got tipsy and fell asleep.

In my sleep I could feel people walking up and down but I was so drunk that I couldn't get my self to open my eyes. Next thing I felt myself being carried over and I was put on the floor. I could now open my eyes just a bit but everything was blury.

I closed my eyes real tight and opened again and I relaised that it was blurry because the room was full of smoke. I noticed three men and a woman but I couldn't see their faces.

I was laying on a white sheet on the floor with my legs spread. My hands and feet were spread apart and I think they were tied because I couldn't move them. I wanted to close them but I couldn't.

My hair was shaved off completely, I think a razor blade was used to shave off the hair on my head. I felt somebody wash me down there with ice cold water, it was a woman. She used her hand to wash my woman part and kept on insterting her fingers in my womanhood as if she was pulling something out.

Then next thing I heard my body being cut with a razor blade. At this point I was sobering up but I was helpeless. I couldn't do anything nor could I move. My mouth was covered too.

I honestly don't know what was being done to me but I am convinced whatever was done to me was a money ritual. After all those things were done to me some I still can't explain what was being done to me but a black candle was moved around my n@ked body and the candle wax was poured on my body.

The last thing I remember was seeing this good looking tall, handsome and dark man who was also n@ked seducing and curusing me. 

He was passionately kissing my whole body even Going down on me. I can honestly say that was the best intercourse I ever had in my life.

I don't know what happened but when I woke up in the morning and I was sleeping next to the man I had flew over to see in Cape Town. He was sleeping n@ked right next to me and I stared at him because I was confused as to when did he get here. I looked down and I saw used condoms.

I touched myself down there and indeed I have had intercourse. But how come I have little memory of what happened except the weird things. I went to the bathroom and I noticed the cuts on my body and my hair was still there but there was a bit of portions missing but you really had to look to see it. 

I knew something horrible had happened because my body wasn't fine. When I flew back to my place he gave me 50K in cash and he acted as if everything was fine.

From that day on things started going very bad for me. My clients were no longer interested and every night I kept on seeing a shadow in my sleep approaching me and having $3x with me.

I then consulted and I was told that I have gotten married to a baboon that sleeps with me every night. I am still trying to get help getting rid of the baboon but it dissapears for a while then come back.