



I am a mom who struggled for many years to conceive. I got married to the love of my life who stood by me through thick and thin. We were both from struggling families so we made a promise to each other that we will work hard until we make sure that we break the poverty chain.

We had no stable income but my husband had piece jobs here and there. I on the other hand sold snacks for school kids to atleast generate an income aswel.

We then agreed that we will save enough money so that one of us can further their studies and once they are done then they will get a job and pay for the other to also further their studies.

I then felt like it's only fair that he becomes the one to further their studies so that when he starts working he can then take me to school. I came to that decision so that i don't take anything from him as the head of the family. I wanted him to feel fully in control and for him to have his place as the man of the house. 

He then registered for male nurse course and i knew that i was going to register for teaching soon as he starts working. 

I continued selling snacks for school kids and he would also do weekend jobs just so we help each other fund his fees and also be able to put food on the table. I don't want to lie it was tough but we had to make it work as hard as it was.

Both our families were fully behind us and they were very proud of the decisions we were making in our marriage. On his second we then found out that i was pregnant. We had tried to fall pregnant before and it was just not happening until we decided to put it on hold. It happened when we least expected it and we had mixed emotions. 

A baby was not a part of the plan anymore, financialy that is but on the other hand we were happy that we were finaly   pregnant. We decided to keep the baby and told ourselves that we will take each day as it comes. 

When i was 7 months pregnant my husband then committed suicide. He just woke up one day and decided he was done with this world. He hung himself behind the house  on a tree we loved sitting under.

He woke up at 5am and i assumed he was going to the toilet so i didn't think much about it. I think soon after he closed the door i fell right back into sleep and i woke up two hours later and he was still not back , that's when i decided to go look for him. I could not believe my eyes when i saw his lifeless body hanging on the tree.

That is a picture i still can't get out of my head. We had an RDP house which we had a dream of extending once we started working proper jobs.

I screamed till i fainted and woke up in the hospital. The neighbours rushed me there. My husband was passing his modules with flying colours and he did not leave a message or note that explained why he took the decision to end his life.

I was heavily pregnant and in pain. I buried my husband heavily pregnant and i still don't understand why he didn't wait to meet his daughter atleast. It still hurts even to this day.

My daughter was born a few months after we laid her dad to rest. She was an exact duplicate of him except for that she was an albino.

My daughter's condition made my husband's family question my faithfulness. They then started making up stories in persuade of closure. They started accusing me of cheating on my husband and they went on to say that he committed suicide because he found out that i was cheating on him and that the baby i am carrying is not his. A lot happened so much that for peace's sake i stopped defending my self nor try to prove my innocence. 

They cut my daughter and i off which was totaly fine with me because i did not want my daughter to grow up in a toxic environment which would make her question her being. 

Things started being real hard. Financialy and emotional everything just became extremely hard for me to handle. It wasn't getting any easier as the years passed it was the more it got harder. I started living off borrowing money from loan sharks and most times when i couldn't pay them they would come to the house and choose the collateral they wanted. 

I eventualy ran out of collaterals to offer so no loan shark would borrow me any money any more. I continued selling snacks at school but i was making no profit anymore because it became a from hand to mouth transaction. I eventualy stopped selling because i had no money to re stock since i used it when there was nothing to eat at home. 

When my daughter was 8 years old there was a new loan shark in the village and i didn't even think twice about trying him out. I was told he doesn't even want collaterals but he always makes sure his clients pay so i took advantage of that. He borrowed me money and when the time to pay came i had no money. That was nothing new so he gave me a few warnings and after a couple of months he realised that he might never get his money so he told me to meet him at his place the next day. He promised me that if i don't show up he was going to hurt my daughter. I tried getting piece jobs but u had zero luck when coming to that, i don't even know how my husband used to get the piece jobs. I was at a point that i wasn't choosy at all and would take anything that comes my way.

The next day i went to the loan sharks house and he told me that he was taking me somewhere. On the way he told me that all my money problems where finished if only i just cooperate. He wasn't the most friendliest person so i didn't even think i would make it back alive.

We drove to a very scary place and he left his car by the road and pointed at the top of a mountain and said "that is where we are going ".

It was at that point that i whispered rest in peace to myself. I begged him to give me more time and that my daughtet still needs me. He said he would not hurt me if i just cooperate and avoid silly questions.

We walked for about 30-45 minutes and finaly we made it to the top. When we got there i was amazed to see a house at the top. This was in Maputo. We were welcomed by an elderly woman and a young woman who were both semi n@ked. I was told to take off my clothes and sit up on the floor with my head bowing and my eyes closed. I sat down and stretched my arms and legs. I was cut with razor then i was told to jump in a very big clay pot. The pot was boiling but it wasn't even on fire. 

The pot was as big as a jojo tank. I jumped in and i was very shocked because the water was not even hot but it was boiling. Suddenly i started hearing loud sounds of the bushes and i could also hear my daughter laughing then crying. 

On the other hand the old lady was pouring things in the water i was in while enchanting things that i did not even understand.

When i was done i got out and i was told to lay on my back and look straight into the sky. I had no energy for anything, i was extremely tired as if i was running. I kept seeing my daughter's face. 

We then walked down to the road and we drove away. He dropped me off at my house. But in his car i realised that there was a tomato sauce all gold bottle. In that bottle i saw picture of my daughter wrapped on a small stick 2with colourful wools wrapped around it the bottle had water in it.

But i was too scared to say anything because i was traumatised by what i had just witnessed. When i walked in i was so happy to see my daughter that i hugged her very tightly and long. 

The loan shark stopped bothering me and i thought the trauma he put me through was the payment. A couple of weeks later, while my daughter and i were sleeping. I heard my daughter coughing so bad, i wanted to wake up but i couldn't. It felt like a dream but i think i saw my daughter waking up and going to get some water to drink. While she was drinking the water, the water turned black.

Then suddenly there was a knock on the door and i n my dream i walked towards my daughter and tried to stop her from drinking the black water. Suddenly the knock came again and my daughter opened the door this time. 

There was that beautiful young woman i saw at the mountains that i went with the loan shark.  The woman had a rope in her hand and she wasn't alone. She was with a very tall pitch black woman who was taller than our house. The two women started using their hands to lure my daughter outside. I tried stopping my daughter and screaming but i had no voice. She just walked past me as if she is hypnotized and i was none existent. I quickly snapped out of the dream and ran to my daughter's room and she was in her bed sleeping peacefuly. 

I was so happy to see her that i decided to sleep with her so i can hug her tight all night. I started having the same dream almost every other night. 

About two months later i woke up to my daughter hanging herself on the very same tree her dad used to hang himself. But luckily i was right on time and i managed to save my daughter. 

She now has a mental problem and the loan shark called me the day my daughter was hospitalized and he said" your debt has been fully paid". I confronted a few days later and all he said was you have paid your debt with your daughter's brain. And that was the last time i ever heard from him. My daughter is 14 years old now and she can't talk anymore and has a serious mental illness.