



My confession is not long and it goes straight to the point. I would like to share my experience and how i learned the hard way. I am obviously a traditional healer as you can see but along my journey i made really bad decisions which at some point turned me blind to my gift and o literally lost my eye sight.

I was undermined by a lot of people where i came from because all i could do was heal people and protect their homes and cars. But i had no work that made people count me in amongst powerful sangomas. Being a sangoma means putting food on the table with having clients.

I heard fewer clients due to that i wasn't highly recommended until i started doing dark things. I would curse illnesses, send creatures and perform many dark rituals just so people could come consult. How it all started is i was going through financial storms and i needed a way to get me out of the debts that i was in.

I would go to people's gates at night and send tikoloshis/zombies into their homes so that they could come to me for help. It started with a very wealthy woman married to a wealthy man in our village. When i realised she was pregnant before it could even show i followed her and bumped into her on purpose and i was able to quickly put muti on her tummy just by touching her without her even noticing. 

I then apologised and passed. The muti caused her a miscarriage after a couple of days. I knew i had to strike while the iron was still hot so i went to her house when i was sure that she lost the baby and had been cleansed at the hospital. I pretended to ask for a glass of water from her house and lucky enough she was kind enough to assist.

I then started telling her about her miscarriage, her maritial problems and more because obviously as a sangoma i could see what a normal eye couldn't see. She was shocked and emotional because i was spot on. I then gave her my number and told her that she needed cleansing. I even lied about people close to her being jealous of her.

She was so emotional and desperate for a baby and a back to sender that she contacted me the following day for appointment. When she came i told her that theres someone in her family who's behind all her misfortunes,and now that they have succeeded in causing the miscarriage their next step is to destroy her marriage now.

I described someone close to her and told her to bring me the person's piece of thread from theor cloth so that i can do a back to sender and free the lady. Out of desperation within a couple of days she was back with the thread from the person's clothes and i then told her to observe. And enjoy the results.

I then used the thread to cause a foot disease known and sefola to the owner of the thread. I then approached the owner of thread and told her what she wanted to hear. I lied about the woman who had a miscarriage. The easy part about being a sangoma is you can give your clients muti to brainwash them and make them your puppets. 

You can make them act them act a certain way and then deceive the other to believe that the back to sender ritual is working. Then after a whle i gave them both what they want. The other one fell pregnant and even gave birth then the second one's foot was healed. 

I told them both to never confront the other or death will occur and that is how sangomas get away with made up lies. We have a "never confront someone who's bewitching you policy" which protects us but clients think its for their own protection.

I then realised how well this was working for me and i started living off deceiving people. One time some woman from a different village came to consult because things were not working out and her husband was cheating on her causing them to always fight. I then lied to her telling her that someone burried an animal in her yard to make sure there is no peace nor progress in her house.

She cried because i was spot on. I set up an appointment to go to her house at night to go and dig out the animal. We always choose to work at people's yards at night because we are able to cover our tricks. 

When i got to her house i told them to stay in the house so that i and my assistant can look for the exact spot where the animal was buried. We would call them once we find it. We had bones of an animal that died a long time ago, all we had to do was burry it and then call them to come see as we dig out since we have found the spot. 

We dug it out and we cleansed the whole family with muti that brings peace. And there started being peace and love restored so they believed every lie i sold them. I started getting a lot of clients which i kept deceiving until one day i woke up and i literally was blind. 

It's unfortunate that i can't share every detail but my ancestors had turned against me because i had become wicked. I was now a witch and they needed to teach me a lesson. My sangome clothes started burning me everytime i wore them. I couldn't walk, i couldn't see...i became very sickly. 

I had to ask for forgiveness and cleanse my ancestors. It took me over a year to get my sight back and be able to use my feet and i got my gift back. I have since learned that money is the root of evil and even we as sangomas can sometimes be used by dark forces because of greed.

I am now serving my clients honestly even though it brings me next to nothing financially.