



Sharing my story makes me feel better about the horrible decisions i made in the past. I am hoping that my story will help a girl child out there, no one warned me so i hope my story will save someone out there.

Quick and easy money has always been associated with danger. I unfortunately learned the hard way.

I was such a naughty child growing up and i had an eye for expensive taste. My family couldn't afford my taste so that's when i embarked in a journey of finding rich men who could give me the life i wanted. I've never dated boys in my age group.

I have always dated older guys. I started dating when i was in grade seven. Even at that time i had the biggest crush on one of the teachers at school and i tried seducing him but he told me that i would cost him his job and maybe if i was in highschool it could work.

This thing of me falling for older men started when i got r@ped at 10 years old, apart from me being a lover of finer things in life i think the courage to dater older men began after my rape ordeal. My mentality about guys my age changed, i just felt like they would never understand and would always be judgemental.

I was r@ped by my uncle who was arrested and later passed away. My first boyfriend was a guy doing grade 11 while i was in grade 7. The age gap gave me an exciting feel to life. I however broke up with him when he was in varsity and i was in grade 10. I broke up with him because i was finaly dating my primary school crush, the teacher i mentioned earlier on.

I was just that girl that everyone knew that uses an advanced and expensive phone, the girl who wears expensive clothes and does expensive hair dos.

I always had money, an ofcourse people knew the kind of person i was and who i was dating. When i went to varsity i then dumped my boyfriend "the teacher " for richer men that would always scout the university for young girls. I've dated so many men even Nigerians. 

I preferred Nigerians because they had more money and they were not stingy at all. I moved out of res because i met this very rich man who bought me an apartment and a car.

My parents were unemployed and i was at school but i sent them R5000 monthly for groceries and everything they needed. When parents are in need they don't ask a lot of questions. They were not really educated so it was easy to lie to them and tell them that the money is from a bursary and i wouldn't have to worry about them suspecting anything.

So my blesser was just a weird guy, i met him at a very popular club in the city and we hit off immediately. I was attracted to his dress sense and the fact that he was drinking the most expensive bottle in the club. He was wearing very expensive brands too. So i actualy approached him because he was seated alone in the vip section. I was someone who was not scared of making the first move, if i saw something i liked i went for it. Didn't beat around the bush.

Within a few weeks of dating, he bought me an apartment and a luxury car as I've already mentioned. I got a very fat girlfriend allowance too and he had no interest of sleeping with me at all. Everytime I'd try to get intimate he would tell me that there was no hurry. But he liked it when i licked his ears and forehead. 

That was his fetish. He would make me lick his ears and forehead like i am a snake and that was all the pleasure he needed from me. He would visit me at my apartment for a sleepover but whenever he was there once he falls asleep you would never ever wake him up. It was like his soul had left his body until the next day. After a couple of months i realised that whenever he would fall asleep like that there was a big movement happening as if something was crawling out to the main bedroom window and in the morning i would hear the movement crawling back in.

But i just couldn't open my eyes to see what was happening. It was like my eyes were glued together or sometimes it would feel like I'm in so much sleep that i can't even open my eyes.

I'd hear the crawling thing entering our bed from the legs then next thing the crawling stops then my blesser would start coughing so bad and when he starts coughing it was then that i would be able to open my eyes and that would be when he would also wake up and drink some water. Then the coughing would stop. 

He always slept with a glass of water next to the bed , he made no mistake when coming to that. One day i slept with a bible under my pillow and when the crawling happened i started praying then suddenly i was able to open my eyes. I saw a very big shadow of a snake, i don't want to lie i did not see the actual snake but it was just a snake shaped shadow that when i stopped praying it attacked me and i felt it enter inside me. I felt so much pain that i don't know what happened but the next day i woke up i was in a bed with blood that looked like i was on a very heavy flow. But i had just finished my periods a few days ago. So i didn't understand why.

When i tried to stand i couldn't, i could hardly sit up. He then took me to the hospital and dropped me off there and I've never seen him ever since. 

It was discovered at the hospital that i had no womb. The doctors to this day don't understand how i lost my womb without a surgery done. To them the blood was my periods and there was nothing unusual about it.

But deep down i know that my blesser is responsible for the dissapearing of my womb. He used to go down on me whenever i was on my periods but he wouldn't have s€x with me. He would go down on me until i came then he would sleep peacefuly and on such days there would be no snake crawlings. He loved me a little more when i was on my periods and he would give me a lot of money on those days. 

But when i was not on my periods he would never go down on me. So i am here to educate my fellow ladies to be careful of any man who loves you a little more when you are on your periods. You could be used as their sacrificial lamb.